Where can you buy anti personnel mines?

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This is something I have been wondering about for the past couple of days.
You see, back in November I planted up my front raised beds with tulips, daffs, narcissi and crocus, and a couple of weeks ago, the little darlings started to poke their heads through the top layer of compost/earth.
However, fast forward to Wednesday of this week, and something happened which makes me really annoyed. We were having our tea in the living room at around 5.00, when my OH got up and started gesticulating towards the front window, unable to talk. I was a bit slow on the uptake, and to be honest was really enjoying my homemade spicy shepherds pie with leek and potato mash topping, so didn't react quickly. Then she told me that a child was jumpiong up and down on our flower beds, and my reaction time changed somewhat.
I got up and looked, and there was a young child jumping around on top of the all too evident sprouting bulbs:rage: Worse than that was the sight of her mother (I assume) just looking at her doing nothing:rage::rage::rage::rage:
So, I went outside, and shouted up to her what did she think she was doing. She then said that she had told the child off, and then walked away.:jawdrop:
When I asked her if it was acceptable behaviout to watch a child vandalising someone elses property, she told me to f*** off:jawdrop:
I should point out that she does not live in our road, because I watched to see where she went.
If I had done that as a child, my parents would have killed me, and they certainly would have apologised to the house owner if challenged.
Do we live in a totally different World, where someone's child is so precious that they are allowed to get away with anything unchallenged, and heaven help the person who tries to intervene.
Do we live in a totally different World, where someone's child is so precious that they are allowed to get away with anything unchallenged, and heaven help the person who tries to intervene.
Apparently "we" Have to let them express themselves, its how the learn. :rolleyes:
A smack on the butt made me learn when I was a kid.
Your'll hear no argument from me on that point.

I often wonder if the people that made the "no smacking rule" had kids?
I guess not...
It's people squeezing out kids and then deciding that raising them properly is a bit too much like hard work.
"Expressing themselves" my arse.
Discipline from day one. It's not rocket science.
In most cases, it's the parents that need the discipline, not the kids.
Sneak out with a hose anytime of the year and blast them till they look like stomped on flowers! If they shout and ball just say they were in the way of watering said flowers!!
If my kids express themselves like that, I'd express myself with my foot up their arse lol
Mine too, although now at their age they'd likely do that back :D

But nope, a little discipline never hurt me or my kids!
Angola and Mozambique still have plenty of mines lying around, book a holiday and go find some.......:)
I remember getting my tights and pants pulled down for a smack in the middle of a shoppng centre. I was probably about 5. You'd be arrested for that now.

I don't smack but if my kids play up they have something very dear to them confiscated.
Dog Rose, nature's caltrop, or failing that an actual dog.
I once caught the local hooligans kicking down my garden fence for a laugh. I cornered them but one escaped and ran straight into thier house "to get thier dad".

Actually it was thier mum who turned up and after giving her an earful her reply was simply " well the council will repair it, what's the problem?"

No love, the council won't fix it because it's my frckin fence on my own feckin property, not of all us sit on our arses all day popping out kids and expecting everyone else to pay for it.

This is the same woman who allows her kids to kick her own fence down constantly and has the council come out on a weekly basis to replace it.

Scum, pure and simple.
Use ZooPoo as a fertilizer. Little Alfie-Chardoney will then carry the assorted crap back to Mummy's house and onto her carpet...
Electric fence. Got a spare energiser, 5000v, bit of a jolt, no harm done, watch the little beggar howl. :) Oh dear, court case, police warning. Worth it tho' :)
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That's a bit drastic regardless of the "era" :(
I'm doubting myself about the pants but definitely tights. I was being a proper, nasty little madam and i'd thrown my ice cream which went on a womans coat. It's one of my earliest memories. We were rarely smacked but got a smack if we properly crossed the line.
I'm doubting myself about the pants but definitely tights. I was being a proper, nasty little madam and i'd thrown my ice cream which went on a womans coat. It's one of my earliest memories. We were rarely smacked but got a smack if we properly crossed the line.
I've no doubt you deserved it:p
They're not called children anymore, they're now 'young persons'. I'm surprised a social worker hasn't knocked your door for your bad attitude.
Children are under 16, then it's young person to the age of 18. Although children's services can be the relevant authority until the age of 23 if appropriate.

I spend far too much time reading regulations, don't I?

Some great suggestions folks, really like #25 with the blank firing mine, and the hosepipe sounds good. I went out after posting, and there hadn't been in more incursions, so I am keeping my fingers crossed.
In my job I have to attend a young offenders institute. They are referred to as 'young persons' or 'YP's'. They are mostly the product of no, or bad parenting. Very sad to see, but by the age of 11 you can see they will never amount to anything. Today, parents defend their children even when they're in the wrong. Children today think that adults should bow and scrape to them. My gran used to say "children should be seen, and not heard". Old fashioned maybe, but a little more listening and less answering back and the world would be a better place.

I also sometimes go to old peoples home. There, the old folks are called 'the service users', the coldest term I have ever heard to describe a human being. Someone, probably wearing a smart suit, sat in an office surrounded by similarly dressed people, all earning an awful lot of money, coined that term one day, then went home as pleased as punch with their days work :facepalm:
In my job I have to attend a young offenders institute. They are referred to as 'young persons' or 'YP's'. They are mostly the product of no, or bad parenting. Very sad to see, but by the age of 11 you can see they will never amount to anything. Today, parents defend their children even when they're in the wrong. Children today think that adults should bow and scrape to them. My gran used to say "children should be seen, and not heard". Old fashioned maybe, but a little more listening and less answering back and the world would be a better place.

I also sometimes go to old peoples home. There, the old folks are called 'the service users', the coldest term I have ever heard to describe a human being. Someone, probably wearing a smart suit, sat in an office surrounded by similarly dressed people, all earning an awful lot of money, coined that term one day, then went home as pleased as punch with their days work :facepalm:

Blimey Ian, I agree with so much in that post.
I said to a colleague about twenty years ago, that it all started to go wrong when employers referred to employees as "resources" - human resources looked after the workers.
What you have said about care homes is even more chilling.
Spare the rod and spoil the child........LOL What do you expect when the mantra of the masses is "Do what makes you feel good" The child is just doing the same thing its parent is doing, only on a smaller scale - its not the child's fault. The answer from the parent is equally a product of the mantra and is a general reaction to ANY authority that is counter what they want to do at that particular moment in time, or what ever is making them feel good.
I suppose that I could get a small four engined drone, and drop a 1 kilo bag of compost on the parent's/minder's head if the child misbehaves again.
Be glad the child didn't fall over, the parent sounds like the type that would file a claim against you for maintaining an unsafe flower bed ;)

So did you make her pay up for the damage?