New Brighton Lighthouse

I like the photo, lots of atmosphere and colour, but the lighthouse seems off to me, distorted.
It's a great Lighthouse to shoot, further up towards Heswell there's the original lighthouse, set a little in land. Have a look for Penmon point lighthouse too.
This is a location worth going back to with lots of potential. Unfortunately I think there are compositional and processing errors.

The overall composition works but it needs fine tuning. It looks like you've shot this at quite a wide focal length with a wide lens hence the distortion on the lighthouse.

The foreground is nice and I can see why you chose the puddle... I just wish the puddle was contained within the frame, rather than leaking out towards the edges, would it have been possible to find a similar puddle with which to do this nearby?

It would have been great if you could see some more reflection of the clouds within the puddle, there are some but a lot of the reflection is outside the puddle too.

When exposing I would blend with an exposure for the sky and then expose for the land without underexposing, or at least try and lift the shadows a bit.
Chris the lighthouse still looks stretched to me