A couple of images from Skye

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A mad dash weekend trip up to Skye last weekend for a couple of days of photography and to celebrate a mates birthday. The conditions were wild, wind, rain, sun, perfect!

Based at Elgol so I took a shed load of different images from there alone, but this is the pick of the bunch...

Elgol by Martin Steele, on Flickr

Then off up the island and a 'dump the car and run' moment at Loch Fada looking toward the Old Man of Storr....

Loch Fada by Martin Steele, on Flickr
The first one, for me, is pure drama.
Love it.
Elgol is surreal, and looks almost computer generated. Amazing shot. My one crit is that I'd have liked a little width on both sides to show more sea & more beach/cliff, and this tight composition puts several of the key elements too close to the edges of the frame.

The second image has fantastic lighting and clouds, but I think it needed to be shot with a much wider lens. The border really doesn't work *for me* either.
The light in the first is incredible, but like Toni it feels a bit tight for 2 bits of drama - the rainbow and the spray over the rock on left. This may be heresy - but have you tried a squarish crop to concentrate on Sgurr na Stri, dropping the spray/rock?
I see a good square in one also but I like it as is with the rock on the left with the spray. It's a well judged composition and exposure. It's very "Martin" for sure.

However I really like two despite it showing a) a road b) a lake without still water.
Conditions look great in both - I really want to like the first as there's some obviously fantastic stuff going on, but my eyes are bouncing all round the frame a bit, plus the brightly lit rock jutting out on the extreme right edge pulls me away a bit and I don't think it's adding anything to the shot positioned where it is. Just feels a bit unbalanced and chaotic. I could be totally wrong but it feels a reactionary sort of shot to what's going on.

Second one is really very nice and typical Skye
Wow, they're really great. I agree with the idea of cropping out that right hand rock in #1 though.
Wow, they're really great. I agree with the idea of cropping out that right hand rock in #1 though.

I don't - perhaps it's familiarity with the location but it helps anchor the shot and without it there would annoying amount of beach in the frame, not enough to add to the composition, just an odd distraction. Here the beach forms a cohesive part of the frame. Lose the beach entirely and the rainbow goes to the frame edge. My first reaction might be to have more of the beach and cliff on the right rather than less.
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That first photo is a cracker. I love that dash of colour the rainbow brings to it.
The first one, for me, is pure drama.
Love it.
Thank you :)

Elgol is surreal, and looks almost computer generated. Amazing shot. My one crit is that I'd have liked a little width on both sides to show more sea & more beach/cliff, and this tight composition puts several of the key elements too close to the edges of the frame.

The second image has fantastic lighting and clouds, but I think it needed to be shot with a much wider lens. The border really doesn't work *for me* either.
Thank you. Any wider in the Elgol shot and there's just too much of honeycomb rock in on the right (it's slightly cropped from that side) and there is absolutely nothing going on in the left hand side of frame out of shot to warrant any wider.

The border on 2 is certainly one that divides opinion, and I very very rarely do it, but it just didn't feel right without it in that instance for me. Again, shooting wider...it doesn't work for me (hence the 5:4 crop) as there's just too much water and nothing else in frame that way.

1st is an absolute belter.

edit, is it me or can you see the sensor pattern in the clouds?
Thanks Tom, not sure what you're seeing but I can't see anything along and lines of pattern, just checked the full size image and certainly not...

It could be the rain Tom.
Thank you, more than likely, as it was lashing down.

The light in the first is incredible, but like Toni it feels a bit tight for 2 bits of drama - the rainbow and the spray over the rock on left. This may be heresy - but have you tried a squarish crop to concentrate on Sgurr na Stri, dropping the spray/rock?
Thank you. I don't like it any wider as there's nothing going on to the left at that time, and any more to the right and there's just too much rock. I have many more images from this to go through and try different crops for sure, including some taken just of Sgurr na Stri. :)

First one is ridiculously good. I just can't think of a better expression.
Thank you :)

I see a good square in one also but I like it as is with the rock on the left with the spray. It's a well judged composition and exposure. It's very "Martin" for sure.

However I really like two despite it showing a) a road b) a lake without still water.
There's plenty more to process from the time 1 was taken, some longer to work a square crop too. You know me and my style more than anyone on here ;)

Two, I'm very pleased with, it just worked out as a dump the car and run shot. Even without reflections :p

Conditions look great in both - I really want to like the first as there's some obviously fantastic stuff going on, but my eyes are bouncing all round the frame a bit, plus the brightly lit rock jutting out on the extreme right edge pulls me away a bit and I don't think it's adding anything to the shot positioned where it is. Just feels a bit unbalanced and chaotic. I could be totally wrong but it feels a reactionary sort of shot to what's going on.

Second one is really very nice and typical Skye
I get the chaotic thing too Stuart, and I know what you mean about honeycomb rock on the right as well, but for this particular image it threw the rainbow too close to the edge of frame if cropped out, and was far too distracting if I didn't crop some from the right. It wasn't a reactionary shot, I had loads of time to shoot these conditions, I was already set up here before the rainbow appeared and have many more to go through taken at different focal lengths and slightly different compositions too.

As much as the Elgol shot is more 'me' I think I prefer number two from the pair myself. I've shot Loch fada numerous times over the years, but never from this side on spot, and I think it just works better than the usual wide shot from the head of the loch that everyone shoots.

Wow, they're really great. I agree with the idea of cropping out that right hand rock in #1 though.
Thank you. Cropping it out leaves Sgurr na Stri and the rainbow too close to the edge of the frame. Any wider and there's a tide line of seaweed along the beach, it was a balance of what to add in and what not to, and honeycomb rock got left in.

I don't - perhaps it's familiarity with the location but it helps anchor the shot and without it there would annoying amount of beach in the frame, not enough to add to the composition, just an odd distraction. Here the beach forms a cohesive part of the frame. Lose the beach entirely and the rainbow goes to the frame edge. My first reaction might be to have more of the beach and cliff on the right rather than less.
I have images with more rock to the right too, but too much tideline mess along the beach also.

That first photo is a cracker. I love that dash of colour the rainbow brings to it.
Thank you :)
2nd one for me Martin, really struggling with the comp of the first. I know people will like it because of the drama but to me it feels like one of those moments that looks epic when you’re there but just doesn’t translate well in camera. It has lots of epic things going on but imo all the elements just don’t combine well in the composition.
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2nd one for me Martin, really struggling with the comp of the first. I know people will like it because of the drama but to me it feels like one of those moments that looks epic when you’re there but just doesn’t translate well in camera. It has lots of epic things going on but imo all the elements just don’t combine well in the composition.

Cheers Neil :)
I think the first would work better without the wave crashing over the rocks. I love the colours and drama but there is just too much going on. I'd lose the right hand rock too. IT is one of those images that has brilliant impact and then you start to see things that take away from the scene. The second one is really nice. The lead in works and the light and drama say Skye to me.
Going against the crowd here and have to say I think the first is excellent. I don't mind the slightly cramped busy composition. If being there makes you feel like the weather and conditions were unhinged and it was all going on, what is wrong with making the viewer feel the same way when they look at it?

The second conversely I like, but feel that the water would benefit from being softened with a longer exposure so it has that gentle glow rather than the choppy waves.
I think the first would work better without the wave crashing over the rocks. I love the colours and drama but there is just too much going on. I'd lose the right hand rock too. IT is one of those images that has brilliant impact and then you start to see things that take away from the scene. The second one is really nice. The lead in works and the light and drama say Skye to me.

Thanks Simon :)

Followed your insta story, those shots definitely pay for the fuel money!
Thank you :)

Going against the crowd here and have to say I think the first is excellent. I don't mind the slightly cramped busy composition. If being there makes you feel like the weather and conditions were unhinged and it was all going on, what is wrong with making the viewer feel the same way when they look at it?

The second conversely I like, but feel that the water would benefit from being softened with a longer exposure so it has that gentle glow rather than the choppy waves.

Thanks Craig, definitely conveys what it was like to be there, taking the images.

2 great shots - but no 1 is outstanding.
Thank you Roger :)