Baby girl

" editing might be a bit off as I generally have to edit these on a laptop one handed while breastfeeding a wriggly 3 month old so its not easy!"

Leave it to a woman to multitask like that! Good for you. And your photos, and your daughter, are lovely.

Along with photos of church ceilings baby pics are my least liked but these are the exception to the rule, absolutely lovely :)
Really wonderful images! Very cute little girl !!!
She is gorgeous. I really like them all but my favorite is the 3rd one. You've capture some very "grown up" expression. Well done!
Thanks for all the comments. Obviously I love them because she's my daughter but I'm pleased to hear others like them too. Now I just need to work out how best to display them
Aww, they are lovely! I really like the grey background as opposed to the usual white :)