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Rain all afternoon, then the skies cleared. Could not resist going out and spending some time with the local badgers.

Lovely, the flowers set it off really well :)
I thought so too, but got bloody soaked lying in the grass to get a better angle.
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Hi Ally,

Some great photos there. I've been trying to get some of my local sett. But with not much luck really. Managed to get them on trail cam, but don't seem to turn up when I'm there. Do you mind me asking what time these were taken and how close were you? I'm thinking I just need a little (perhaps a lot) more patience, but thought I would check I'm not doing something to make them avoid me.
These were taken at about 1730 hours at my local sett, I was about 20 feet away from the badger when taking the pictures. I have been following this sett for over 3 years now, they have always been known for coming out during daylight hours. I follow another sett as well, but they hardly ever appear before dusk. I know they have poor eyesight but extremely good hearing and sense of smell, I tend to arrive early settle down and then just wait. Some days are brilliant and other days you draw a blank, but to give yourself a better chance chuck out a handful of peanuts which badgers seem to adore.