Black veined white.

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Hi all,
Heres a shot I didnt think I would get, well I can hope.
A Black veined white, Locally to me they are elusive and in very low numbers but a little drive and a stop in-between on a little back roadI found lots supping on this plants succulent juices.
It Kept them quiet for long enough for me to get some descent shots.
PS, South east of France, yes I am lucky to live here :D

DSC_2145 by Graham, on Flickr
Yeah, nailed! Focus lost a little on the bottom wing edges, it'll be DOF I think but it's pretty darn close, nice work.
Yeah, nailed! Focus lost a little on the bottom wing edges, it'll be DOF I think but it's pretty darn close, nice work.
Thanks Dale, it's something that happens with me, saying that, I've just fixed the rear lens in my fav macro lens, it's unscrewed itself somehow and when I tried to put it back I reversed the lens to find the screw seat and it locked in place. Today I got some bluetac, pushed on the rear glass and turned, viola, it came out, now its screwed in properly.
Enough of that.
I've never seen so many bvw in one place.
Even my o/h was amazed at how many there was.
I'm finding f7.1 works well with the damsels, provided the background is far enough away. It takes decent light though.

I think if your butterfly was a little tad more sidey on, the wing edges would be sharp too, it's millimetres, even less out. Looking at it, maybe a slightly lower pov would have got it for you. I tell you though, I'm nit picking, I wouldn't mind it being mine as is.
Lovely shot Graham!

It can be surprisingly difficult to get the wings completely parallel to the sensor, especially if there's the slightest breeze or the butterfly's moving about on the flower as they often do. I'd be pleased if that were my photo.

Lovely shot Graham!

It can be surprisingly difficult to get the wings completely parallel to the sensor, especially if there's the slightest breeze or the butterfly's moving about on the flower as they often do. I'd be pleased if that were my photo.

Thanks, as I said before, it seems like it's a me problem, it's rare, well I think to get it all in focus but, I'm trying out this camera on the tripod technique, slow ss and an open aperture, but got to wait for the early evening for it to work.
DOF in reality is never as wide, (deep) as the printed tables, certainly not with my shots anyway
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Maybe they should change the name to PITA not DOF lol