Critique Black & White - any tips?

Lose the gold clour pop - otherwise I like it :)
Lose the gold clour pop


the highest and lowest luminance values in this take read
0~255/255. Blocked values at either or both ends is some-
thing to use with care as it alienates the subject from the
BG within the frame and make it look like cutout.

…otherwise I like it too!

the highest and lowest luminance values in this take read
0~255/255. Blocked values at either or both ends is some-
thing to use with care as it alienates the subject from the
BG within the frame and make it look like cutout.

…otherwise I like it too!

Thanks for the feedback. I'm not familiar with reading the luminance values, would this be caused by lightening the background too much?

Hi Shaun, I'm sure someone has probably mentioned it, but have you considered getting Nik Software? There's a fab program in it called 'silver efex pro' and it's a fab B&W converter. If you've not already got it, you can download from here :

I actually have it, I just totally forgot I'd downloaded it months back until you mentioned it lol. I'll have a play on that later ☺
reading the luminance values
These are part of the histogram represented values.
would this be caused by lightening the background too much?
May well be. Pure white is a seasoning in the cooking and
should be used tastefully… maybe not systematically.

Here, I would have complimented that option choice had
the subject vest be not so dark.