Capture a stranger street style : Part 2

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This couple were originally from the Brick Lane area but now live in Oslo ( @saltireblue ).
Coming back they went to the bagel shop and reminiscing thought that the quality of the bagels had declined since they lived there.
Personally I don't like bagels :(

Brick Lane Bagel by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

Gosh, Roger! You really got around on that London visit. Could I suggest that, if you can, do Brick Lane on a Sunday, when the food market and the 'vintage' market are both open. Lots of people, stacks of opportunities for some great street shots.
Gosh, Roger! You really got around on that London visit. Could I suggest that, if you can, do Brick Lane on a Sunday, when the food market and the 'vintage' market are both open. Lots of people, stacks of opportunities for some great street shots.
I walk far too much Garry, I haven't adapted to just hanging around in one area - but my feet pay the price!
Sunday isn't a good day generally for me to be away from home but I did check and trains were a mess with indirect routes taking several hours - checking now the times seem normal. :thinking:
Weird, but I can't do this weekend and my feet wouldn't take it!
Personally I don't like bagels :(
There are bagels and there are bagels. The soggy things offered in supermarkets aren't entirely to my taste either!
There are bagels and there are bagels. The soggy things offered in supermarkets aren't entirely to my taste either!
Apparently the Brick Lane Bagel Shop is supposed to be the best but I can never understand why you need a sandwich bun with a hole in the middle! :thinking:
Apparently the Brick Lane Bagel Shop is supposed to be the best but I can never understand why you need a sandwich bun with a hole in the middle! :thinking:
The bagels that I was brought up on, had a thin hard glazed crust all over, with a lovely soft dough inside. My mum had a knife which she kept honed for slicing them. They were often spread with schmaltz, although butter and/or jam were also very acceptable. My Mum made them herself, if she had time. When she did not, those from the bakery in Glasgow's Allison Street were considered an "acceptable" alternative.
If any of you have watched Community*, you'll know that Britta lived in New York and it's pronounced "baggle" :D

*if you haven't watched Community, I'll expect to be corrected ;)
long time since I photo captured a person - I did ask his permission - fine so long as it was not for 'the press' was the answer :)View attachment 443814

Very nice street style capture Mark, with a lovely relaxed pose.

"Not so sure about the toning, but that's just a personal thing"