Castleford Millennium Bridge

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Took myself out last night with my new remote shutter release to try some long exposures.

I had some trouble using my Nikon D7000 in bulb mode with the remote (ML-L3).

I set the remote mode to Mirror Lock up and remote on the in camera menu, pressed the remote to raise the shutter then pressed a second time to take the shot then timed with a stop clock the exposure time and pressed again for a third time to complete the exposure, however when I pressed the release the third time I was not convinced the shutter had closed as the camera appeared to be dormant for some time. I assume this was as the camera was carrying out long exposure noise reduction which at the time I hadn't twigged.

Can anybody tell me if I was doing this correctly and why does the camera not have a timer to count the shutter speed in bulb mode rather than relying on a stop clock?

Anyway C&C on the picture welcome, I resorted to a 30 second exposure on this one as the bulb mode was too hit and miss.

Unsure about the LE timer, are you sure it wasn't "dormant" because it was processing the image / saving to the memory card?

Image is nice - I like the way the blue lights pick out the foam of the weir.

It is a lovely location and I may go and try and have a go at this myself.

I haven't seen this since the plans way back in AJ (Architects Journal). I like what you have tried to show and think the image works regardless of the the troubles you had. I can't help you with the D7000 troubles (yet...), but hope to take the plunge soon.

Keep 'em coming Bobman.
Can anybody tell me if I was doing this correctly[/QUOTE]

I use Canon for digital, but that sounds about right.

and why does the camera not have a timer to count the shutter speed in bulb mode rather than relying on a stop clock?

I guess you'd have to ask Nikon about that :)

The image works well for me, but here's a couple of thoughts.

I wonder if you'd be better off with a 16:9 crop of the lower portion as much of the sky isn't adding much IMO.

I'd be tempted to tame the white balance a bit, the blues are rather too dominant for my taste. Much easier if you shot in RAW.
Canon(assuming Nikon is the same) cameras take a second exposure of the same length as the first if you have long exposure noise reduction switched on.It then uses the noise info from the second exposure to process the actual image.I have long exposure noise reduction permanently switched off for this reason.
