Thanks Paul, the colours are quite surprisingInteresting - I never would have known.
Thanks Keith, magnification was around 2.5 ... the image is full frame, for an M4/3.Agree with Paul, do you know what magnification that is?
Thanks KellI thought maybe some type of mushroom on first glance.
Thanks ShugpugVery interesting - I was in the mushroom camp too!
Thanks BobNeat close up. Nicely done!
Thanks Tim ... it was a French oneAs others have said, I would never have known it was a lentil (ours are red for a start).
Thanks AllanFascinating, I thought it was a seed of some sort.
Thanks BillLOL, when I first saw it, I thought that it was an agate...
A really good take on the theme!
Thanks RyanNever would have guessed a lentil, well shot.
Many thanks Wayne for the commentI would never have guessed a lentil, I though some kind of obscure truffle.
Very nice assemblage of macro skills.
Thanks Paul ... It's not as tack shape as I would have liked plus the out of focus crystal is (to me!!), distracting. It's just a shame it melted before I could revisit it.You may think it could have been better... I rather like it!
Thanks for your kind comment James.That’s brilliant, love the detail in it.
Thank you BobYes, very good detail. Cracking image!!
Thanks SimonVery nice Duncan. Lovely detail captured.
Thank you KellThat's great.
Thanks Tim, I did like the contrast of the ice and blueYes, I agree that's very nice.
Simple and to the point.
Nice strong colours too.
Cheers DaveYep that's a cracker
Thanks ShugpugThat's beautiful - great but of work!