Critique Cornish Newbie

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#1 with #2 sky would be epic
Love #2
#3 you need to be a bit more the other side of the trees
#4 needs some more interest in the sky
#5 may be better with the foreground removed
#6 has appeal but the yellow in the foreground screams for attention
There are some very good camera clubs around Cornwall. Joining one will help you immensely in your new hobby.
They look very ‘HDR’ to me, I’d try and tone down the processing.

I would most definitely second this. The reason why that is, or perhaps why you resorted to editing them like this is simply the state of interesting light, or mainly absence of it. A simple solution would be shooting these subjects at a different time of day, pay attention to the sun, clouds and you will need not apply this treatment. Give it a go and don't try to rush it. It can take years to build a really dramatic portfolio of one location.