The TP 52 - 2025 DB5 52 for 2025 Week 2 Cold

Now that is a cheese board, with none of that horrible blue veined stuff. If it was at our's you could do an after shot about 5min later and there would only be crumbs left.:)
Very nice!

Looks like it needs some nice runny Epoisses in addition.

That looks like it took some setting up Keith. It was definitely worth it though. (y)
Thank you for your comments, it didn’t look like that for long!
You can never have enough cheese! We’ve still got tons left over from Christmas
Mmmmm cheeeeeeese. I'll have Ryan's blue veined stuffs :)
My only complaint is that the fermented grape juice looks like it needs a little ageing!
Week 2 Cold

by Keith Johnson, on Flickr

I took a few pictures this morning with the sun on the snow not realising it would fit this weeks theme.
"Cracking cheese Grommit"