Critique Easy Peelers

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Off of the feedback I received last time posting @The Big Yin

Last night I tried again, as was mentioned, there was no way easy way to peel these little critters.

Anyways this is what I managed.

I have one with bits of pith on the base which I thought looked ok but my better half reckons this cleaner version is better.

Any feedback would be most welcomed.



Older post.

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I like the light better on this version and the peal does make it a bit more dynamic.
I don't mean to be a pain, but do you think you could add the photo from your other thread, just as a comparison?
Apologies for the repetitive behavior.

I used these Tangerines as a stand in before the Viennese Whirls were baked.

In retrospect I quite liked them so thought I would put them up here for feedback. Previous critique as been great.

Any feedback would be most welcomed.

Think this was the one in the last thread... ;)
Much Better IMO - not just the "peelings" but also the way the fruit are "oriented" - maybe this batch are more "flattened spheres" and it shows the different tilts from their axis, but the different shapes caused by the various tilts also adds visual contrasts within a still unified grouping. I also like the way that the peels of the oranges are slightly "slicker" looking - with the peeled ones being shown I can almost smell the orange oil in the air from the skins...

Slight nit-picks... I'm missing the leaves ever so slightly from the first shot. And, maybe its just me, but is there a very slight "hot spot" from a reflector on the "dark side" of a couple of the fruit? Of course, that's a downside of the sheen on the fruit this time. For a lot of my still life stuff, I'd use a single softbox for the light source (often with a gobo on it to "fake" a sash window) and would have a really "dark side" that I'd need to get a little light back into - often i'd use a gold reflector rather than a white/silver one, sometimes with a old (deliberately) tea-stained net curtain thrown over it to diffuse the reflection ever further. That may work with something orange - of course, there's always using some form of "matting" spray on the "dark side" - though, my old standby of hairspray isn't exactly food safe... Bear in mind though, my advice was based on the fact I was actually trying to get everything "right in camera" technique wise so I could eventually shoot the images on LF Film, and frankly with digital, a little colour dodge/burn may be all thats needed....

(never did get up to the standard I wanted to before I hit a change in circumstances that basically stopped me shooting almost entirely, but that's a thread diversion I'd rather not take...)
I like the light better on this version and the peal does make it a bit more dynamic.
I don't mean to be a pain, but do you think you could add the photo from your other thread, just as a comparison?
Thanks Dominic it's reasuring to know i'm learning as I amble along.
No problem i'll try find it and add it in.

Thanks Mark.
It is good to read that you think there is an improvement. I did take some time trying various fruits in different positions rather than just throwing them down,

Slight nit_picks are great I will never get this stuff correct " if there is a correct" with out the feedback i'm getting from the users on here.
The hot spot did not enter my mind until I was driving back from my Mum's an hour or so ago. Logged in here, too see you had picked up on it.

I have just had a try at hiding it a little.

Hopefully it looks a tad less bright.

Better or worse ?

Almost forgot. I did buy the one's with leaves but I just could not get a composition that looked balanced with them in the frame.
they defeated me !!!!!

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The presence in the first is excellent, I really could reach in an pick one up, well worth the effort.
The presence in the first is excellent, I really could reach in an pick one up, well worth the effort.
Thanks Chris.

If you felt that viewing the photo I am very happy.

It's maybe the background that makes it more out of place (for me anyway) but the random peels on the table distract my attention, possible on a solid colour would be preferred.
I'm not overly keen on the peel breaking the line of the glass. I do like the lighting, its creating a nice atmosphere. With the title you need some peeling going on, I would tempted to show graduated peeling either bottom to top or vice versa.

update after viewing in portrait mode on phone:
Strangely it does look better when viewed on my phone and I don’t see the peel as a distraction. Not sure why this would be the case other than a smaller viewing area
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They look great to me, only wish my Tesco easy peelers looked anything like as appetising!
It's maybe the background that makes it more out of place (for me anyway) but the random peels on the table distract my attention, possible on a solid colour would be preferred.
I'm not overly keen on the peel breaking the line of the glass. I do like the lighting, its creating a nice atmosphere. With the title you need some peeling going on, I would tempted to show graduated peeling either bottom to top or vice versa.

update after viewing in portrait mode on phone:
Strangely it does look better when viewed on my phone and I don’t see the peel as a distraction. Not sure why this would be the case other than a smaller viewing area
Hi Stuart
Thanks for taking the time to leave some feedback. It is very much appreciated. I take all your points on board.
They look great to me, only wish my Tesco easy peelers looked anything like as appetising!
