Few recent mono portraits


TPer Emeritus
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Hi all,

Thought I'd share a few of my recent portraits - am shooting a lot of newborns and toddlers at the moment, so fancied doing something a bit more gritty :LOL:

Cheers for looking,

Mike (y)



These work for me. Certainly are gritty. Like the two darker ones but tbh they are all great. Love the poses and attitude conveyed.

Absolutely love these. Yes to dark and gritty. Yes to amazing captures. And yes to your amazing work
love these, third one my favourite, great work

Thanks Colin, appreciate you taking time to comment (y) I was on the fence about this one as her eyes were completely hidden but I think it would have ruined the atmosphere if they weren't.

These work for me. Certainly are gritty. Like the two darker ones but tbh they are all great. Love the poses and attitude conveyed.


Cheers mate (y)

Absolutely love these. Yes to dark and gritty. Yes to amazing captures. And yes to your amazing work

Thanks mate, appreciate it (y)

Absolutely great set.

Cheers mate (y)
Really well done, - very much liking these.
No2 takes the top slot for me; tones, concentration, interaction and environment.
Brilliantly managed and portrayed.
(Also a fan of the gritty approach too - it suits the theme perfectly).
I love 1 & 3 and they all show great detail. Is 2 a little light just behind her r/h shoulder? Only asking as I'm learning and want to understand when its classed as bright or overexposed as it's an area I've previously struggled with. Having diabetic retinopathy may not help??
I like all three, but love #1. The busy-ness of the tattoos, clothing, jewelry contrasts with the simplicity of her eyes. And I love the grain!
Sorry it's taken me so long to reply to everyone, I think I may have accidentally turned off the notifications.

Loving these. Nice to see someone whos isn't afraid of a bit of grain. It all works for me, composition, lighting, model pose etc. Well done.
Thank you, I've been to spoilt by HP5+ medium format film, so my images always look a bit too clerical to me without grain :) modern sensors pretty much eliminate it - these were short at iso3200 and I still had to add in grain!
Really well done, - very much liking these.
No2 takes the top slot for me; tones, concentration, interaction and environment.
Brilliantly managed and portrayed.
(Also a fan of the gritty approach too - it suits the theme perfectly).
Thank you mate, really appreciate the feedback (y)
I like the middle one. Are they shot on b&w film?
They are digital but with added grain and increased blacks - the grain in capture one is very nice to work with.
I love 1 & 3 and they all show great detail. Is 2 a little light just behind her r/h shoulder? Only asking as I'm learning and want to understand when its classed as bright or overexposed as it's an area I've previously struggled with. Having diabetic retinopathy may not help??
It is indeed a little light behind her shoulder, I have added this in post for atmosphere (artistic license haha) :) thanks for taking time to comment (y)
I like all three, but love #1. The busy-ness of the tattoos, clothing, jewelry contrasts with the simplicity of her eyes. And I love the grain!
Cheers Malcolm, appreciate the feedback (y)
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