FishyFish's Contact Sheets

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For background, see @Harlequin565 's thread here:

So, this is my first contact sheet of 2020 (although the first 8 frames are actually from 30 December 2019).

The first 8 were shot at Lady Canning's Plantation at Ringinglow, just outside Sheffield and on the edge of the Peak District. I'd been out there shooting a roll of Polypan F (see here for more info about that) and, when I finished that, I started on the roll of Ilford Delta 400 I had with me too. The rest of the roll was shot on and around Baslow Edge on the 4th January 2020 with no real plan in mind other than I fancied a walk in the Peak District and had the urge to make some photographs. There are various rock formations here, but the series of images towards the end of the roll depict the Eagle Stone. The cross is Wellington's Monument.

As I tend to begin post processing my photos as soon as they're on the computer (and while there are usually other frames still to be scanned), the sheet below features images that I've already worked on rather than the flat scans.

Olympus OM-1
F.Zuiko 50mm f/1.8 | Zuiko 28mm f/3.5 | Zuiko 75-150mm f/4
Ilford Delta 400

2019-12-30 & 2020-01-04 Olympus OM-1 Ilford Delta 400
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
Love seeing other people's contact sheets. Really like to see people in the landscape. Frames 32 & 33 stand out for me. Also interestintg to see your approach to the cross too. Really liking the third one - the trees coming in from the side fill the frame nicely.
Love seeing other people's contact sheets. Really like to see people in the landscape. Frames 32 & 33 stand out for me. Also interestintg to see your approach to the cross too. Really liking the third one - the trees coming in from the side fill the frame nicely.

Thanks Ian. When I first saw the guy atop the Eagle Stone I was dismayed. I thought it would spoil the shot. But then, as he moved into a couple of different poses I realised that he gave a great sense of scale to the picture, plus the poses in frames 32 & 33 look really good. I think those two, plus the Anvil Stone (frame 19) are probably my favourites from the roll.
I chuckled at the Jawa stone. That was what I first thought when I saw it and then saw you'd called it that too.
Here's contact sheet #2 for 2020, this time wholly shot this year. This lot were taken last week after I'd finished an appointment in town. I had to go to the station to pick up some tickets so decided to walk there and then get public transport home rather than go in the car with my wife as I'd then have chance to take a few photos. The shots are basically just stuff I saw on my walk - no theme or connection, although people familiar with Sheffield might be able to roughly trace my route. :)

Holga 120N
Kodak Tmax 400

2020-01-10 Holga 120N Kodak Tmax 400
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
Contact sheet #3

Another set of opportunist shots. I took the camera with me knowing I might get some photos and a few of the subjects are things I've passed previously and thought might work as pictures, should I ge the chance. A few of the shots are showing a lack of contrast in the centre of the frame - on closer inspection I can see some feint haze on the taking lens of my Yashicamat, so it looks like I might have to stump up for a CLA. I've not noticed this happen before (although I usually use the lens hood, which I forgot on this occasion) and the shots where I had the sun at my rear show no loss of contrast at all.

Yashicamat 124 G
Ilford HP5+

2020-01-12 Yashicamat 124G Ilford HP5+
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
Very industrial!
Do you have any favourites? If so - why? I really like frame 2, and the last one too - although the last one is more due to the unusual building shape.
Very industrial!
Do you have any favourites? If so - why? I really like frame 2, and the last one too - although the last one is more due to the unusual building shape.

Frame 1 is probably my favourite. Although I didn't notice it until I scanned the negative, there's some poignant graffiti written on the fence to the left of the danger sign. There was some lovely winter sunshine falling on the buildings for the first three frames, which was nice, although the reflected light that was bouncing off the fence in frame 2 has possibly caused some of the contrast drop-off I mentioned in the centre of the frame. I messed around with it in Lightroom to try and bring it back a bit.

The final frame shows an old Kiln at Catcliffe, between Sheffield and Rotherham. Unfortunately I had to stand in the side of a busy road to get it framed how I liked and I got some camera shake because I rushed when I saw traffic coming!
Contact sheet #4

I've mucked up the order here slightly - frame #6 should actually be #4, but hey ho...

All the frames here were taken on two outings - the first set on a visit to London, the second on a walk around the inner city of Sheffield. There was a slight mini-project going on amongst the first batch where I decided to try and document my trip in a fairly light-touch way, which I blogged about today. As I mention in the blog, it probably needs more thought (and care and attention). Things I will consider next time. The Sheffield shots were just a means of finishing the roll off, but hopefully still making some photos I liked.

The Espio didn't like low-light very much, reducing the shutter speed so much that a number of frames were badly affected by camera shake.

Pentax Espio 140M
Kentmere 400

2020-01-15 & 2020-01-18 Pentax Espio 140M Kentmere 400
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
Love frame 11. Great dramatic impact. Also, really like what you've tried with frame 13, but it looks like nothing is sharp. Low shutter issue you mentioned? I like how frame 16 looks like a face :) Also really like the POV of the pianist in 17.

For me, the strength of the images diminishes somewhat once you get to Sheffield, but that might be a size thing.
Great work Nige.
Thanks Ian. I guess the Sheffiled shots are quite different thematically - a walk around some inner city areas on a bright morning to use up the remaining frames, whereas the others were street-style shots or illustrations of a recent trip to London.

I quite liked a few of the shots with camera shake, so have given them some quite harsh PP to see if I could rescue them. I'm not displeased with the end results.


FILM - Rescued
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr


FILM - Rescued-2
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr


FILM - Rescued-3
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
Contact Sheet #5

All taken on a walk along the River Derwent at Calver in the Peak District. While I'm pretty happy with a number of these photos, I'm less pleased by the three frames I somehow shot with the dark-slide still in the camera, or the unintentional intentional camera movement shot I got in frame #2. More concentration needed in future methinks.

Bronica ETRSi
Zenzanon 75mm f/2.8
Ilford Pan F Plus

2020-01-25 Bronica ETRSi Ilford Pan F Plus
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
Heh at the three blank frames :)

I love the depth of field you get from the 645 cameras. My 645n and its accompanying 75mm f2.8 is a super lightweight, high quality package. Really drawn to frames 7 & 8. Think they are beautiful. #1 is great too.
Contact Sheet #6

This roll was shot on three seperate days - the first seven frames on the same day as my previous sheet when I decided to check out some waterfalls I'd spotted on my Ordnance Survey map. The two portraits were somewhat rushed and I'm not happy with them - they're sharp, but the composition and lighting are not good. The final six were shot one lunchtime when I decided I wanted to finish the roll. Shot 10 was a cock-up where I metered for f/16 and then left the lens at f/2.8. It's a good example of what can be recovered, but the photo is mostly out of focus due to the shallow DOF. Shot 11 was done properly.

Bronica ETRSi
Zenzanon 75mm f/2.8
Kodak Tmax 400 (expired)

2020-01-25, 2020-01-26 & 2020-01-29 Bronica ETRSi Kodak Tmax 400 (expired)
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
Contact Sheet #7

Shot over two seperate outings, the first on a pre-work walk on a beautiful misty morning, the second a few days later (frame 28 onwards) when I went out to finish the roll. Frames 9 & 11 did very well (for once!) in the comp at the local photographic society. Frame 13 looks set to soon become my most faved photo on Flickr if it gets another handful of faves.

Nikon F80
Nikkor 28-80,, f/3.5-5.6 & Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 AF-D
Ilford HP5+

2020-01-22 & 2020-02-02 Nikon F80 Ilford HP5+
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
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A really nice collection of images Nige. Frame 27 looks very very nice with the shadows and light - esp the shadow of the person walking toward you (?).. 28 with the contrail to balance the architecture is also really good. Did you just randomly look up and see it?

Also liking the atmospheric stuff.
Contact Sheet #8

This roll is effectively a camera test for my recently acquired Sure Shot Ace - a basic camera made wonderful by the addition of a waist-level finder. The majority of these were taken using the WLF, but I'm interested to see how I can utilise it for compositions that would be difficult or impossible for standard 35mm cameras. The images are also nice and sharp - not as good as some other cameras I own, but plenty good enough.

Canon Sure Shot Ace
Ilford Delta 400

2020-02-07 & 2020-02-08 Canon Sure Shot Ace Ilford Delta 400
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
Fab work as usual Nige. At contact sheet size, it's impossible to see detail & quality of the camera anyway. I've just been watching "Threads" which is a pretty miserable and terrifying film set in 80s Sheffield. I don't know why but some of these images remind me of it. One of those "contact sheet works as a piece in its own right" things for me. Esp frames 1, 3, 4, 15, 27 & 36.

Thanks Ian. It’s been a while since I watched Threads, but as a teenager living under the shadow of Armageddon in the 80s it really brings it home when it’s set in your home town! :runaway:

I can’t remember if any of the scenes were from the locations of my photos here (although I think the shot of the mushroom cloud is at the top of The Moor, the street where my Sheffield Markets image was taken).

A lot of the frames can be seen full size here:
Contact Sheet #9

Frames 1-6 are all shots taken with this month's FPOTY competition in mind (I chose #5, but #1 was a close second-place contender). The rest of the roll was shot on a rainy Saturday morning. While the weather wasn't great, that was the only time I had free for photography and I didn't want to waste it - my mindset is to try a make the most of the weather conditions, whatever they might be as we don't often have the luxury of choice in the UK.

Frames 14 & 32 are some sort of misfire - I think I probably hit the shutter when placing the camera back in the bag on a couple of occasions (because of the rain it was in and out of the bag constantly and I didn't switch it off between shots most of the time). Frames 11 & 12 both made it onoto Flickr Explore on the same day.

Frames 27,31, 34 & 35 can be seen here as part of a mini-series of shots.

Nikon F80
Sigma 105mm f/2.8 OS HSM Macro & Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 AF-D
Ilford HP5+

2020-02-14 & 2020-02-16 Nikon F80 Ilford HP5+
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
I thought the comp shot was superb. Will say no more until after it's voted on.

I really like your Ghost Riders images too and I always enjoy your town and cityscapes. Agree 100% about making the most of the weather - no matter what it is.

Grats on the Explore!
I thought the comp shot was superb. Will say no more until after it's voted on.

I really like your Ghost Riders images too and I always enjoy your town and cityscapes. Agree 100% about making the most of the weather - no matter what it is.

Grats on the Explore!

Thanks Ian. Much as I love the photographs I get when it rains, I'm hoping it might be dry next time I get out (maybe tomorrow). :)
Contact Sheet #10

The Espio has been my "keep it in my coat pocket" camera for the past month or so, so this sheet containg a somewhat random selction of things that I've happened to photograph while out-and-about during that time. Most of them are around my local area, city, and a few near the end of the roll are from London.

#21 makes me smile - I didn't notice what the writing said until I scanned the negative!

The Espio isn't a bad camera for a little point-and-shoot, but I think I'll revert back to one of my Canon Sure Shot models next time. They just seem to be that bit sharper and deal with low light a bit better.

Pentax Espio 140M
Ilford HP5+

2020-01-various & 2020-02-various Pentax Espio 140M Ilford HP5+
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
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Is it my eyesight or is there a bit of a vignette on it too?

Love frame 21. Not so much for the text but I think the project idea that spawned it is a good one. Frame #32 looks interesting too. I think the portrait ones that you can't see properly because of the landscape orientation often still give off strong compositional signals.

Also think frame 17 is stronger than 18 because of more sky. For me that's a "man's determination to stamp his mark on the planet with roads 'n stuff" which, with the bigger sky proves that the mark is quite insignificant. I'm over-thinking I know...

+2 points for cat shots to finish the roll :)
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Is it my eyesight or is there a bit of a vignette on it too?

Love frame 16. Not so much for the text but I think the project idea that spawned it is a good one. Frame #32 looks interesting too. I think the portrait ones that you can't see properly because of the landscape orientation often still give off strong compositional signals.

Also think frame 12 is stronger than 13 because of more sky. For me that's a "man's determination to stamp his mark on the planet with roads 'n stuff" which, with the bigger sky proves that the mark is quite insignificant. I'm over-thinking I know...

+2 points for cat shots to finish the roll :)

#32 is a nice photo let down by soft focus, unfortunately. When I saw the negative I had high hopes. Alas, they were dashed when I scanned it.:(

Do you mean 17 & 18 with the sky? Again, 17 is a little soft-focussed - someone was driving towards me as I was taking the shot so I rushed it, and it shows on the full-size image.

Isn't that why we have cats? As subject matter for the end of a roll of film? :D
Do you mean

Wow. I got that completely wrong didn't I. Same with 21...
Not a good day for counting... Post corrected to avoid confusion....
Contact Sheet #11

A full roll shot travelling between the station, my meeting, and back again on a recent visit to London. I went with the full intent of getting some street-shots and, especially, some on the Underground. This latter requirement meant I would need a fast film, so I decided to push a roll of HP5+ by a couple of stops. I'm extremely pleased with the results and will certainly use the film in this way again in future. I was expecting far more grain and contrast than I got - something more akin to what I would get by shooting some Delta 3200 of Tmax P3200 - but the images are lovely.

I got a bunch of shots I'm really happy with from the roll, and it makes me really want to take a full day trip to London with the sole aim of taking photographs.

Olympus OM-1
F.Zuiko 50mm f/1.8
Ilford HP5+ @1600

2020-02-19 Olympus OM-1 Ilford HP5+ @1600
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
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Like the look of frame 31. Out of interest, what developer did you use or was it a lab?
Contact Sheet #12

The whole roll shot in the space of about 30 mins during a wander around Tinsley Park Cemetery a week or two back. There are a number of weak shots, but on the whole the Holga has delivered the goods for me once more.

Holga 120N
Ilford HP5+

2020-02-23 Holga 120N Ilford HP5+
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
For what ever reason I haven't been getting notifications for this thread so I haven't looked in for a while, its great to see so many contact sheets and really interesting images.
Fab contact sheet Nige. They all look great. My kind of photography too. Keep trying to find a spare weekend to pop over to Lawnswood in Leeds where most of my family are, with some Konica 750. Get my Simon Marsden on. The framing on #1 is a bit special...
For what ever reason I haven't been getting notifications for this thread so I haven't looked in for a while, its great to see so many contact sheets and really interesting images.

Thanks Chris.

Fab contact sheet Nige. They all look great. My kind of photography too. Keep trying to find a spare weekend to pop over to Lawnswood in Leeds where most of my family are, with some Konica 750. Get my Simon Marsden on. The framing on #1 is a bit special...

Thanks Ian. Not heard of Simon Marsden before, so will look him up.

I think the framing of a few shots here is such that it'll only work during the winter months. Once the foliage returns to those trees the compositions will be lost (or at least need to be adapted).
Contact Sheet #13

The first roll shot through the Minolta SRT 101b that I picked up recently from a charity shop. The roll came back with a note about film damage - in this case scratches through the frames. I'm assuming that it was caused by some debris in the camera and I gave it a clean after this, but a subsequent roll is also showing some, albeit lesser, evidence of it continuing to occur. Despite this (and you can't see the scratches here anyway), the camera and lens performed well, so if I can sort out whatever is causing the scratches, I think I'll hang onto it.

These were all taken in Chesterfield.

Minolta SRT 101b
Rokkor 50mm f/1.7
Ilford Delta 400

2020-02-27 Minolta SRT 101b Ilford Delta 400
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
Fab. Loving frames 2/3/4. Striking even on their side. Looks to be some nice street shots in there too. Liking the bear :)

Frame 33 looks very nice too. I like how the tree contrasts against the modern building both in literal contrast as well as non-literal.

Strong looking set, 2, 4 and 19 really stand out for me although I suspect 19 might not scale up so well.
Fab. Loving frames 2/3/4. Striking even on their side. Looks to be some nice street shots in there too. Liking the bear :)

Frame 33 looks very nice too. I like how the tree contrasts against the modern building both in literal contrast as well as non-literal.

Thanks. I like #33 and it made it into Flickr Explore, but I wish I’d gotten a figure in the scene. I waited for a while but no one came.

Strong looking set, 2, 4 and 19 really stand out for me although I suspect 19 might not scale up so well.

Thanks Chris. I was lucky to have some great light on the day which has lifter quite a few shots that probably wouldn’t have worked in flat light.
Contact Sheet #14

A camera test roll (although I did try my best to get interesting shots). This camera was in a bag of stuff given to me by my dad (who had been given it by someone he knows). Of all the things in the bag (mostly old, no brand, low resolution digital cameras with not means of charging), this was the only thing that looked worth a try. It also had a part-used roll of film in it as a bonus.

The first run through was shooting the remaining frames of the loaded film. Alas, this was a complete washout - every frame I shot was barely legible due to deterioration of the film. The previously exposed frames that had shot by the previous owner did reveal images though - not without deterioration, but legible enough that I scanned them and burned them to a disk for my dad to pass back to the original owner (they had photos of a young baby, an elderly lady holding the baby, and a dog). The shots also revealed what looked like a light-leak, so I fitted new seals before shooting a fresh roll through the camera.

The results of the second roll are slightly mixed - some are a little soft, while other are tack sharp. As I don't think any of this is down to camera shake, I wonder if it might be the autofocus system (or maybe the focusing point system) that was the cause. The new seals didn't fix the light-leak either, which I later discovered is probably the result of a leak in the telephoto-lens assembly. Luckily the artifacts produced are at the edge of the frame and fairly easily cropped or photoshopped out on the frames that I liked.

Samsung Fino 60S
Kodak Colorplus 200

2020-03-01 Samsung Fino 60S Kodak Colorplus 200
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr