B&W 'International Commie Camera Days in MAY' 2021 -- hello Comrades !

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Yes Comrades it is 'That Time of Year' again to support 'International Commie Camera Days in MAY' to get out and USE your Glorious Soviet Gear and show the Capitalist Prolateriat what it can do !
ZENIT E + KB40 processed in RODINAL 1+50
58mm f2 Helios 44-2 lens
Helios 58mm f2 ar f2.8 01 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Helios 58mm f2 at f2.8 02 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Helios 58mm f2 at f2.8 03 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Jupiter-9 85mm f2
Jupiter-9 85mm f2 at f2 03 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Carl Zeiss Flektogon 35mm f2.4
Carl Zeiss Fletogon 35mm f2.4 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
We did a former Soviet camera challenge a few years ago, I'll dig out my Zenit and have a go
We did a former Soviet camera challenge a few years ago, I'll dig out my Zenit and have a go
My Kiev IVa hasn't seen the light of day since then, but it's lurking somewhere in the cupboard .......... :snaphappy:
Don't worry comrade. Our Kievs will reign supreme over the cameras made by those revisionist Chinese traitors!

Kiev camera in ERC GH2 P1320261.JPG
This third foto with female running is fab, the angle & emptiness. Neat indeed.
Running Female I think was a 'Shop-Lifter' -- her mate had just been arrested by Brentwood Police !
A few from an outing with the Kiev lVa, Delta 100 and Ilford DD-X

#1 Cactus house in the Botanic Gardens

#2 Masked man with Kiev in cactus house

#3 Not Rambo (as that's the name of the coat/cover, apparently)

#4 Safe construction
I've ordered a roll of Svema in honour of this thread, it seems to be taking a while to get here though but I'm sure our noble film purveyors and postal comrades are struggling against the bourgeois hierarchy to get it to me.
i like the 'Russian Spy with Mask' ---- Real 'Cold War' image !
I see that your commie camera credentials are spot-on, even to the point of the images sporting a level of shutter fade. Although not as extreme as some of those that I have used.