Lightroom batch edit capture time using custom order

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Is there a way (or a plugin) to batch edit capture time into set interval (eg 1min) based on user custom order of a catalogue?

I am currently taking photos of film photos, so real capture time doesn't make sense. For example I have about fifty 1987 photos, the exact dates are lost but I can order them correctly based on the size of the baby. I have set catalogue to Custom Order and drag-dropped them into the correct order. Then, to correctly display the ordering in my web album, I need to change capture time according to the custom order.

My web album display software default to capture time when displaying photos. All my photos have meaningless file names and are sorted by capture date. So far it had worked well and it should continue to work well with future photos. Only problem is with film photos where camera capture time doesn't make sense.

Only thing close I've been able to find is this:
But this involves changing display setting of web album, unfortunately it will mean remembering to do it everytime the user would browse the film albums, not seamless and too complicated for my dear old mother.
Lunchtime bump :)

Lightroom method is preferred, but I think there are more JPEG metadata programs out there, is there one can do batch set capture timestamp with interval order according to current file name order?

For example,
0001.jpg 0002.jpg 0003.jpg
will have the following dates
01/02/1987 03/02/1987 05/02/1987