Macro safari last night

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I went out for a macro safari it had been a cool day and it was late so not much was active I was using my Zuiko 60mm again on my OMD E-M1

A hover fly

Hover fly by Alf Branch, on Flickr

Crane fly for dinner

Crane flies for dinner by Alf Branch, on Flickr

This moth was doing a lot flapping about but goind nowhere so I thought it had been caught but it appeared not

Moth by Alf Branch, on Flickrr

This damsel fly start out with a game of hide and seek I suspect it was too cold to fly I was wondering if it was a scarce blue

Hide and seek by Alf Branch, on Flickr

Damsel fly by Alf Branch, on Flickr
Lovely set Alf and I really like that 1st shot.
Super images there Alf, nice and sharp... I agree about the first, it's a cracker :)
Lovely set, I particularly like the damsel fly hiding (y)
Great set of images, +1 re the damsel, works really well shot from that angle. I seem to find spider shots a challenge, they always look a disorganised mess of legs when I shoot one :) yours is nicely captured.
I agree about #1. I also rather like #3, #4 and #5. I'm probably in a minority about this, but I like the backgrounds in those last three. Nice set Alf.

Thanks Nick I am glad you like them

Lovely set, I particularly like the damsel fly hiding (y)

Thanks Jak

Great set of images, +1 re the damsel, works really well shot from that angle. I seem to find spider shots a challenge, they always look a disorganised mess of legs when I shoot one :) yours is nicely captured.

Its never easy to get a good angle on a spider Tim
Really nice series. Great title too.


Thanks Dave you can't beat a good safari

Mine are just smaller scale than some peoples.