

POTY (Joint) 2016
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I hate marmite but I have just devoured my wifes marmite flavoured crisps,am I getting olderor is it the bottle of wine I have drunk?
I hate marmite but I have just devoured my wifes marmite flavoured crisps,am I getting olderor is it the bottle of wine I have drunk?
My junior school was literally opposite the Marmite factory in South London... the stink was foul.

The Luftwaffe kicked the s*** out of the area but missed that stink pit....

Vomitous stuff

....typical. And they wonder why we voted to leave the EU!
My only saving grace is that it could be vegemite!
Marmite... Vegemite...= vomitous.
I'm in the loving it group. Even my 2 year old loves it, my missus on the other hand......
Personally I prefer bovril ,nothing like a cup of steaming hot bovril on a winters morning
Marmite is great on hot toast and on crumpets. If I feel I have a cold coming on a big teaspoonful in a mug of hot water with a some Scotch Bonnet pepper sliced into it really makes me feel better.


Must try Bovril again; have had any for ages.
Thinly spread - yum, thickly spread - disgust.
I'm ambivalent about Marmite.

(No not really but someone was going to say it :D)

Marmite on toast, on crumpets or even in a sarnie (y)

I'm not keen on the crisps though.
We all love marmite in this household i've always wondered why its so expensive given its a by-product of beer production.