
I used to have a female Newfoundland called Olga
and I can recognize the same good heart of the
breed in the face of this one! :)
I once knew of a couple who bought a Newfie and the husband told me of a situation where the pup had jumped into a canal.........the wife thought it was in trouble and jumped in to rescue it.

The dog got itself out easy peasy and by all accounts looked at her wondering what the fuss was all about!

Thankfully his wife was none the worse for her dunking.
… these guys and golden retrievers are the embodiment of "I'll love you no matter what, I just want to be loved"

One Summer day, in Ontario, I stopped to fill up the car and
noticed, beside the garage, a dog tied to a chain was laying
in full sunlight, on the dirt with no shade and no water around.

I asked the owner what was wrong with the dog and he said:
"This the worst watch dog I could ever have… so stupid and
lazy. I asked him if I could take it off his hands pretending it
would be an ok dog for the kids — I was not a father yet then.

He said sure, take it. It was that female I called Olga.She was
some 9 months old then and lived with me for 12 more years.

We lived happy for the rest of her life. So sweet she was. :)