NickDs TP52 for 2021 - Week 52 - Showcase... Bring on 2022!

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In for a penny in for a pound!

Right, I'm going to have a crack at restricting myself a tiny bit by working with Jpeg, and editing in Snapseed exclusively (stupid notions are subject to change without notice). Partly for the adventure, and partly because as Covid subsides a bit (fingers crossed), I expect to be crazy busy with work, and the idea of spending much time at a computer outside work is quite horrible. On the tablet I can edit on the commute, making use of downtime. Additionally, since finding Fuji, I quite often look at the Jpeg and think 'yep, good enough for me'. For anyone who's horrified at the very idea, of course I'll be shooting RAW too, just in case I happen upon a ground breaking, earth shattering scene that would make me a world renowned photographer, but I mess the settings up badly! :ROFLMAO:

Week 0 - Nearby

This is just around the corner from me, and there are no traffic wardens nearby, obviously.

Nice Parking by Nick, on Flickr
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Nice start Nick. Hope the return to "normal" work isn't too traumatic!

I like the view you're down us there - and yep, could definitely do with a traffic warden...
Nice start Nick and an excellent bit of parking too :D

Additionally, since finding Fuji, I quite often look at the Jpeg and think 'yep, good enough for me'.
I never shoot RAW
Ponders which Windmill Lane - couldn't work it out from the crest on the road sign (don't they usually have postcodes?)
Given the title, have you also posted it in the Piston Heads "Bad Parking" thread? ;)
Nothing wrong with jpg, but I do wonder if there was anything in the sky that could have been recovered from the RAW, or was it just completely flat (it is winter, so probably).
Ponders which Windmill Lane - couldn't work it out from the crest on the road sign (don't they usually have postcodes?)
Given the title, have you also posted it in the Piston Heads "Bad Parking" thread? ;)
Nothing wrong with jpg, but I do wonder if there was anything in the sky that could have been recovered from the RAW, or was it just completely flat (it is winter, so probably).

Bushey, Herts!

I will, out of interest check the Raw when I next get time, but I reckon there was absolutely nothing to be saved. If my eyes didn't have the dynamic range to pick anything out, it's likely my camera didn't.
Nice image, not so sure about the level of parking skill in your local area!! :ROFLMAO:
Fair enough :) I was just wondering - I know I can have a tendency to blow the sky on my fooj and have to be careful not to.
Me too... and more often than I care to admit, but today I'm off the hook, it was completely flat.
Hi Nick. Good to see you again!

That's a well maintained high security fence, I wonder what's behind it.
Hi Nick. Good to see you again!

That's a well maintained high security fence, I wonder what's behind it.

Thanks, it's good to be back!

It's something to do with Affinity Water. Given how much we pay them I like to think that I own part of that fence!
A good start :)
Love the tones in this. From deep black to highlight without a simple contrast push that would kill the grass. Very nice.
I like your minimal editing idea. Good DOF and nice contrast - this time of year mono works best with the flat grey we seem to be getting in our corner of the country.
Nice B&W image, nice dark tones, but plenty of detail on the concrete posts of the place name.

Week 1 - Fruit

Obviously not actual fruit but it kinda counts at this time of year. I tried to go for tones like the classic still life fruit pics. An Astia Jpeg, tweaked in Snapseed.

Five a Day by Nick, on Flickr
It's over 2 weeks since Christmas, the Chocoloate Orange is surely past it's best.

I like how you've handled the lighting without shiny highlights from the inside of the wrapper
Nice and sharp, lots of textures and well controlled lighting.
What's not to like?

Hint, when linking from the main thread back, right click the the post number, in this case #19 ( top right)
and select copy link address. Use that one.
Otherwise people will be directed to your start page and once things get really going, maybe disinclined to scroll through the entire thread.
My wife sent me out looking for these today and I drew a blank. Clearly they're about though!

The OOF wrapper in the front lower and left hand third of the frame is a bit imposing for me - esp where it's brioght orange. It almost feels like rotating the whole thing half an inch clockwise would just push it out the way. Sharp where it needs to be though, and getting that one slice out without destroying the rest of the thing deserves a medal! Black background works really nicely too.
Now THAT is my kinda fruit! Well shot!
I do like a good Terry's chocolate orange.
The chocolate segments are lovely and sharp, you've got the lighting just right.
that works well sharp where it need to be and not too much light on the foil.
It's over 2 weeks since Christmas, the Chocolate Orange is surely past it's best.
I like how you've handled the lighting without shiny highlights from the inside of the wrapper

It might be past its best, but that's a risk I'm prepared to take! :ROFLMAO:
The lighting was all natural, a patio door far left, and a skylight above and slightly right. Our kitchen is pretty handy for lighting on a reasonably bright day.

Nice and sharp, lots of textures and well controlled lighting.
What's not to like?
Hint, when linking from the main thread back, right click the the post number, in this case #19 ( top right)
and select copy link address. Use that one.
Otherwise people will be directed to your start page and once things get really going, maybe disinclined to scroll through the entire thread.

Thank you!
Honestly I thought I'd done that. I'll revisit and replace the link when I get a minute.

As Jim says, very nicely controlled light, avoiding blown / specular highlights yet still lighting the dark chocolate well against the black background.

As above, the lighting was natural, I just experimented with location and angle until I thought the lighting was right. I did have to use the dodge & burn brush tool in Snapseed, to get rid of highlights on the background.

Had about 5 of them yesterday and so yummy, good shot.

I honestly don't know how this one survived through the Christmas carnage!:ROFLMAO:

My wife sent me out looking for these today and I drew a blank. Clearly they're about though!
The OOF wrapper in the front lower and left hand third of the frame is a bit imposing for me - esp where it's bright orange. It almost feels like rotating the whole thing half an inch clockwise would just push it out the way. Sharp where it needs to be though, and getting that one slice out without destroying the rest of the thing deserves a medal! Black background works really nicely too.

Thanks for that, it honestly wasn't a problem for me until you highlighted it, now it's annoying me a little too. The single segment was tricky, the wrapper hides a couple of failed attempts!

Now THAT is my kinda fruit! Well shot!

In the depths of winter, I think it should count as one of your five a day!

I do like a good Terry's chocolate orange.
The chocolate segments are lovely and sharp, you've got the lighting just right.

Thank you!
I got lucky with the natural light, I just had to move where I was taking the shot until it looked right.

This is perfect, a lovely photo of one of my favourite chocolates! I very nearly used the Terry's for this weeks entry too :)

I had a feeling I wouldn't be alone, so I took another non-Terry's shot too, then went through the submissions thread to see if anyone else had done the same before deciding which shot to go with.

that works well sharp where it need to be and not too much light on the foil.

Thank you!
Keeping the foil a little muted was what led me away from using artificial light, I don't really understand it enough (yet) to control it well.
Nice idea, well set up, well focused, nice amount of unwrapping. :D
I like your thinking on this one Dave, a bit of a twist on the theme, good work (y)
Nicely lit and a good idea. I'd like to see more of the chocolate and less wrapper though.
Bravo. Simply a superb capture. Love the way the chocolate stands out against the wrapper.
Tasty idea. I like the point of focus and dof... works well to guide the eye.
Oh lordy, I've got a real craving for one of these now!

Go for it!

Nice idea, well set up, well focused, nice amount of unwrapping. :D

The wrapping was kinda dictated by the need to support the single segment.

I like your thinking on this one Dave, a bit of a twist on the theme, good work (y)

Thank you!
I did try 'proper' fruit, but the choc shot appealed more in the end.

Nicely lit and a good idea. I'd like to see more of the chocolate and less wrapper though.

I did experiment a little, but the shots with the chocolate just peeking out, teasing, won me over in the end.

What’s not to like it’s chocolate :) super photo, excellent focus on the essential bit ... the chocolate, and a bit different for the theme too.

Agreed.... It's chocolate, it's hard to make it look unappealing!

Bravo. Simply a superb capture. Love the way the chocolate stands out against the wrapper.

I don't think I've ever photographed chocolate before, it seems there's a warmth to it, and the orange wrapper with the foil inside really helped.

Beautiful lighting, and the perfect way to get your grove a day right now! Nice one!

Thank you!
I'm very lucky with the lighting in the kitchen. There are 2 skylights and patio doors, so by moving location I can sort of control the natural light without having to resort to speedlight witchcraft (which is handy, as I'm pretty clueless with artificial light).

Tasty idea. I like the point of focus and dof... works well to guide the eye.

I do keep looking, after one of the earlier comments, and think that the closer part of the oof wrapper is a little distracting, and that a little deeper dof would help. But, it is what it is, and that's a lesson for another time.
Week 2 - Dirty - Technique - Fill the frame.

If that's what it does to the cup, lord knows what it's doing to my insides! :ROFLMAO:

Dregs by Nick, on Flickr
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Nicely done :)