North Yorkshire Adders - more photos added

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Lovely photos.

Really jealous, Adders on my list of things to find in the UK.
Thanks for the kind words everyone!

Richard, keep looking, hopefully you'll get lucky.

Paul, the bank where these Adders are also has Common Lizard and Slow Worm, but I haven't seen either of these yet in 2018.

I went back on Sunday morning, and as well as the cluster of males in their usual spot, I was very surprised to find a tiny juvenile Adder, no more than about 4 inches long, basking nearby. I couldn't get a very good photo because of the vegetation, but the dead bracken leaf next to it will give you some idea of its size.

Adder (Vipera berus) juvenile by Dave O'B, on Flickr

Adder (Vipera berus) male by Dave O'B, on Flickr

Adder (Vipera berus) males by Dave O'B, on Flickr


The local Adders are becoming a bit more difficult to locate, as they're moving further afield from their hibernaculum, but the males have shed their skins, and look very fine in their breeding colouration!

Adder (Vipera berus) male by Dave O'B, on Flickr

Adder 0473b by Dave O'B, on Flickr

Adder 0498b by Dave O'B, on Flickr

The last two photos are of the same snake taken just over a week apart. Unfortunately, he wouldn't bask in the open so this was the best shot I could get of him, but the sunlight really shows up the iridescence on the black head scales.


Dave.cheers for the little notes as well as the cracking images,cool to learn and stare at the same time !!

Thanks Stu! I knew a little bit about Adders already, but seeing them on a regular basis inspired me to learn more.


Thanks Stu! I knew a little bit about Adders already, but seeing them on a regular basis inspired me to learn more.


I think that's how this photography works Dave we get drawn in. It's an upwards cycle from there,we learn more which means we find more and shoot more. consequently our images get better aswe personally quest to improve what we already have

All wrapped up in two simple words
field and craft

lovely mate again cheers for sharing:)
