Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

Set out for a walk with the dog and its mad what you come across.
Set out with D700 in Monochrome and
35-70 2.8
I just forget sometimes the pleasing images this combo always gives.

This was a chap at the bottom of our street just getting the car out for a wash

He had a bike as well

GT 1.jpg

Then we bumped into Frank, a friend since she was a puppy, he is struggling to run now. Look at the state of that dicky bow- the scruffy mutt!


a bridge for the stream going under the canal, dont know what that is called.

Brook bridge.jpg

Some Happy Hikers out for exercise fun! I gave them a shout and a wave.

Walking party.jpg

I enjoyed that and dog is now asleep.
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Set out for a walk with the dog and its mad what you come across.
Set out with D700 in Monochrome and
35-70 2.8
I just forget sometimes the pleasing images this combo always gives.

This was a chap at the bottom of our street just getting the car out for a wash
View attachment 443397

He had a bike as well

View attachment 443392

Then we bumped into Frank, a friend since she was a puppy, he is struggling to run now. Look at the state of that dicky bow- the scruffy mutt!

View attachment 443394

a bridge for the stream going under the canal, dont know what that is called.

View attachment 443395

Some Happy Hikers out for exercise fun! I gave them a shout and a wave.

View attachment 443396

I enjoyed that and dog is now asleep.
Those boxer dogs are all mad. We've had a couple, still got 2 now. Proper bonkers. :)
A very dreary walk in Castle Rising today. We had the whole castle to ourselves - for a good hour - and it was nice to explore, but such a dull day there was none of the beautiful light which streams in through the windows of the castle. I lifted the camera up to my eye a couple of times when inside, but when I noticed auto ISO metering the scene at 12800 didn't bother pressing the shutter :LOL:

Dreary Castle Rising by Sparkling Pictures, on Flickr

Dreary Castle Rising by Sparkling Pictures, on Flickr

Dreary Castle Rising by Sparkling Pictures, on Flickr
Hi, on my way to a motorcycle show I saw the election posters. We even have a Baldy-Man here. The problem: no party will have a majority, so we shall have the
old actors in new roles in a coalition ... :


Bikes at the show :




Friendly visitors :

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Nice, like the emptiness. Tells me it was a very cold day!
Nice, like the emptiness. Tells me it was a very cold day!
It was fairly busy, I had to work at to make it look desolate. :)
Shot some film today on N 90s.

So no pictures.

I kept "chimping" as well. LOL
One things for sure mate, your people pictures illustrate just how addicted people are to their phones (assuming he's doing that)

Thanks matey, I haven't a clue what he was doing (not that I'm interested) as his hands were out of view to me, I just saw an opportunity for a snap. :)
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A few snaps from today's dog walk - decided on theme of close ups, sadly only after I got there already but fortunate as 28-105 has rudimentary close up facility.

D750, 28-105 1.jpgD750, 28-105 2.jpgD750, 28-105 3.jpgD750, 28-105 4.jpgD750, 28-105 5.jpgD750, 28-105 7.jpg
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Heading home after conducting an office fire drill at South Mimms office (I live a rock n roll existence :ROFLMAO: )
It was so cloudy and dull, so I dropped the SS to 1/8 to get a vehicle blur and low ISO without filters.
Hit and miss, but this one I quite liked.
21 01 25 01.jpg