Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

Dog had already had two walks today so went out on my own, with both hands free decided on a long lens even though low light. Some high ISO here. I could not get within a hundred yards of the herons.D4 600mm Low Light 1.jpgD4 600mm Low Light 2.jpgD4 600mm Low Light 3.jpgD4 600mm Low Light 4.jpgD4 600mm Low Light 5.jpgD4 600mm Low Light 6.jpgD4 600mm Low Light 8.jpgD4 600mm Low Light 9.jpgD4 600mm Low Light 10.jpg

D4 600mm Low Light 7.jpgD4 600mm Low Light.jpg

The Little Egret is my favorite although taken in down a ditch in almost total darkness, so hoping for nicer shots soonI know where it is working now. The boats caught the light nicely as well.
Out and about today, before the rain sets in tomorrow.

View: https://flic.kr/p/2qHc67H
I read very early on that it was wise to beware of trees and lamposts growing out from the top of heads.
Getting down low by the side of those wonderful york stone slabs on the right should open up a wonderful view over the valley.

It looks a beautiful place for a walk with lots of exciting opportunities.

Looking forward to your walks. :clap:
Congratulations Immo

You must be doing something right
One from todays short bimble, on the voie verte just outside Lavelanet, Ariege, S. France. Hepatica nobilis in flower now along with snowdrops and violets, This one is white and a bit of an over achiever - they are supposed to have 6-9 petals - this one has 10 - so its a solid 10 from me then

This ring (made by my extremely talented wife) consists of 8 individual rings which in normal use form a stack below the mount which carries the stone, through which you poke your finger. However, they are cunningly hinged together so that they can unfold from their normal position and transform into a bracelet (shown here partially deployed).

The visible extent of the image is 3".

Transforming ring by John Liddle, on Flickr
One from todays bimble along the river l'Hers, in our village Ste Colombe sur l'Hers, Aude, S. Fance - the farm track is marked with very large stones - this was part of the top of one of them. I suspect the small stonecrop is Sedum album, White Stonecrop given the dead flower spikes on others on the rock. The moss is probably Syntrichia ruralis or certainly of that 'group'

Is that Holmfirth? The cafe look like the one from last of the summer wine.
It is Wayne, if you look closely there are cut outs of the characters inside. We wanted to try it but they didn't do the "full Yorkshire" breakfast so we had to use the pub!
We had a visitor in our garden tonight - fairly sure this is a juvenile osprey. Lots of water around us so I'm hoping we'll see more of it!

Edit - looks like I mis-IDd this and now thinking it's a red shouldered hawk.

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Hi, the business district of Oppenheim/D :


I went there to have my car registered :


Oppenheim is a nice town with a long history :





St.Bartholomäus :


The nativity scene will be on display for two more days :


Lunch at McD. I brought one cheeseburger home to my dog :

Thanks for the tour Immo, looks a beautiful town.
up ont moors today,

On the way traffic held up due to low speed four car collision, the investigation. Probably some idiot taking pictures or on their phone. :) If I had noticed the police car in the mirror I would have got another shot of that.

Pictures I took Today 13.jpg

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