Venture into London

I still like your story telling!
…but this time, your renditions are of darker, more opaque character!
If this is your artistic intent, I prefer the previous ones.
Some excellent images in there. No long lens sniping to be seen. 5 is speaking to me for some reason.
I like no 2,5 and 6 but I am not sure if I would have the guts to do it.Street photography always scares me, as I worry about how people will react.
I like no 2,5 and 6 but I am not sure if I would have the guts to do it.Street photography always scares me, as I worry about how people will react.

I'm not as confident as you might think :)
Another great set of images Dan, with #1, #3, #5, being my fav's. I'm liking the really nice punchy B&W conversions.(y)

Seeing how close you have got to the subjects, you have to be brave.:clap:

For the majority of shots I do not bring the camera up to my eye, I shoot from the hip - cowboy style.
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