Water Vole

Poor chap, such indignity! :D

nah that's ok it could be much worse.............just imagine spending ages getting to a hare,grabbing all these images that are ok,not messed up, full grooming bla de bla Ya get back home pop them on PC and the whole lot are scuppered!! The fella has his erm " cough cough" out, don't blame me I was focused on his eye:exit:

I can't show one for fear of offending someone, it might be said one couldn't make that up but I have proof and no your not seeing him. Basically cause he'll make alot of guys feel inadaquate, what can I say I almost switched to nikkerson :rolleyes: I'll see me self out:p

Mark don't worry ya did well mate a bit of pooh is way better than full frontal;)
