Wedding Feedback required

Edit My Images
I was not the official photographer for this wedding, however the bride and groom who are good friends of ours were very keen on me getting some nice pictures. So, there was no pressure, and I tried to get the feeling of the day rather than the group shots.

I would like some honest feedback on where I can improve both capturing and editing as I am planning on the possibility of taking this a bit further...

Lucy & Mark by Tim G, on Flickr

Lucy & Mark by Tim G, on Flickr

Lucy & Mark 4 by Tim G, on Flickr

Lucy & Mark 3 by Tim G, on Flickr

Lucy & Mark 5 by Tim G, on Flickr

Lucy & Mark by Tim G, on Flickr

Lucy & Mark 1 by Tim G, on Flickr

Thanks for taking the time to comment :)
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Those look 'bob on' sharp to me. Awesome effort considering you were not the official shooter,
Number 7 for me is the best of the bunch for this type of photography (Candid/Reportage)
The composition is great, DoF is just enough, the look between the two of them really captures the moment.
My eye was not drawn to the Fire Exit sign but it is now everyone else has mentioned it.
... I am planning on the possibility of taking this a bit further...

OK then, on that basis ...

#1 is nicely caught but as I'm sure you realise, the backlighting threw your metering out. Experience and exposure compensation is the simple cure for that :)

#2 is exactly the sort of picture I took at the first few weddings I shot, and it took me a while to work out what I was doing wrong. With more experience, you'd have either moved a bit closer so as to lose the slack on the left and get the guy on the groom's left in as well, or just bobbed down a bit so as to lose him behind the bride's head. Whichever, you'd also have been able to frame the shot a bit lower because you were quicker at focus/recompose or switching focus points than you are at present.

#3 all that's wrong with that is the crop's too loose, but seeing as how you'd selected "no" to "edit my images", I can't show you what I'd do with it

#4 is just framed a little too low, but otherwise spot on

#5 if I'd actually taken that shot, which I wouldn't, I'd bin it because not only does she have an unflattering expression, the whole thing's a mess. It's a snapshot, not a picture.

#6 and #7 are fine considering :)

HTH a bit!
Thanks for the feedback, it certainly helps to see where other people think I'm going wrong. All points taken on board. #5 wouldn't have made it if it was a client I didn't know on a personal level but the bride loved it.

@Serendipitous Sid feel feel to show me that crop, I've no idea why I've put no to edit my images...and when you say fine considering....considering what?
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... feel feel to show me that crop ...

Here you go then. If I needed to keep the aspect ratio, I'd crop that file like this ...

Dan has given some good advice, I would say, it's always nice to take some photos at a wedding, but it takes a lot more than that to be a wedding photographer, it takes real understanding of the camera and use of flash, good composition is needed too. Just enjoy taking photos until you get used to the camera, and learn a lot more, people on here can give you really helpful advice, take it on board, and keep practicing, don't try to run before you can walk. Enjoy photographing people
My 2 pennies:

#1 Well framed, nice emotion on the bride's face but the large window behind have fooled your camera's exposure, could have done with maybe a stop more light. Possible to recover if you were shooting at a low ISO and have a decent camera.

#2 Nice shot, foreground interest, nice use of a shallow DOF. If I were to do it I would have ducked down a little to remove the top of the guy's head in the background as it distracts form the bride a little. Also looks a lot better if the subject appears at the same level of the person he is looking at, would also lose the negative space above him.

#3 Strong shot, full of emotion, just really needs a crop to remove the negative space above them imo.

#4 Beautiful shot, just needs either a tighter crop or to shift the camera down a touch to lose the headroom again. Very crisp, flattering colours though. Nice :)

#5 Not for me. If she would have been smiling after being surprised it would work but the expression on her face is unflattering and I would have take it, it wouldn't have made it past the cull.

#6 Great shot, does look as if they are looking at someone else, I imagine the photographer. The shot taken as you have, from his position would no doubt work.

# 7 Like it. Some may prefer it a bit brighter but I like it as it is

Hope this helps :)
Thanks for the feedback, update time.

Bride and groom loved the shots and wish I had done the whole wedding for them, as expected the professional wasn't up to the job :( makes me mad that people take money when they can't deliver. Looks like I may have to rescue some shots of theirs. They weren't even delivered in a resolution that could print a 7x5 'thank you' postcard.

And as for that number 5 shot, bride loved it and it's one of her favourite shots! It does have a bit of a story behind it, and if it was anyone else I would not have taken the shot.
They weren't even delivered in a resolution that could print a 7x5 'thank you' postcard.

Oh dear. Do you know how big they were supposed to be? I have a feeling that the couple won't know because they didn't check, but if they do, they would seem to have grounds for growling at the "professional" ...
@Serendipitous Sid , Well I've looked at one that was shot for the thank you cards which they knew the size of, specifically sent over for this purpose and its 960px x 639px. And of course hasn't printed very well at all.

Haven't seen what the official photographer took but I'm not holding out my hopes. Makes me angry. :(

EDIT: on review of my shots, I do seem to like lots of negative space above the subject, maybe something to look at when I'm next in a similar situation.
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... on review of my shots, I do seem to like lots of negative space above the subject, maybe something to look at when I'm next in a similar situation.

Oh, that's an easy enough one to cure yourself of. Just stop looking at trendy wedding snappers' websites ... ;)
Negative space CAN look great, Ross Harvey uses it a lot with great effect, shots that are 'technically' not composed properly that are stunning.

I use it when it suits (take a look at my Beacon Fell image in the portrait section) but I think in the shots above there isn't enough space to imply that it was intended.
Off to google Ross Harvey...

It seems I've always had a thing for negative space at the top, maybe something to address in the future.

Seconding again in October so I shall post up some pictures again, as without this feedback I probably wouldn't have noticed that I use a lot of negative space above the focal point!
For a guest I think they are v good . Thing is when u r a guest u have to take your turn .