Beginner Wildlife in the North West recommendations


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KIPAX Lancashire UK
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As a Photographer I had little or no interest in wildlife.. But I am slowly moving into Video.. I have already done Salmon leaping but would like to widen my horizon... Maybe a hide but video not photogrpahy .. Any reccomendation north west.. I am Accrington between blackburn burnley and ok to drive out.. retired so my time is my own
Leighton Moss for birds and occasional deer.
There’s a nature reserve at Preston near the A59/M6 junction. I’ve never visited but it looks interesting.
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Leighton Moss for birds and occasional deer.
There’s a nature reserve at Preston near the A59/M6 junction. I’ve never visited but it looks interesting.

Been looking at videos on youtube of brokholes nature reseve as thats the one near preston.. apparently its frustrating for photogrpahers as you cant get close... most say its hard work but some say OK .. as its so close by i think i will give it a go :)
Been looking at videos on youtube of brokholes nature reseve as thats the one near preston.. apparently its frustrating for photogrpahers as you cant get close... most say its hard work but some say OK .. as its so close by i think i will give it a go :)
Brockholes can be decent, far away from the bird life on the lakes (as a lot of reserves are) but plenty of other stuff to watch/photograph/video

Edit: it's worth a look on their website as they often run reserve walks with different themes (flowers, wildlife, etc.) which are usually weekdays and may be of interest. It's worth following the FB group too

Check out the other LWT reserves as well - they're all worth a look
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Tony I'm waaay south of you so I utterly can't recommend sites. TBF I wouldn't any way half the fun of wildlife is finding your own

Mate most winters if there is a chance We both adore watching short eared owls and me trying to make stills.. Last outing shaz my lady said to me I wish you could video this......TBF mate in my case vids would crash my PC....but she is NOT wrong.

Tony these owls hunt by day they are spectacular to watch hunting, their turn on a sixpence dives are should find a site.............. and go a few times . Do be prepared for blank days

Mate I hope this isn't partonizing you're not really a wildlife guy...................but you are very skilled as an image maker and I just feel you will adore trying to video shorties hunting, you would have a ball when it's good mate, but when it's good isn't a given ;)
Nice to see others taking an interest in videos as well. Getting close may be an issue using a camera for video work but not for a camcorder.

taken hand held with a panasonic Hc-X1500 and no need to worry about changing lens. if this doesn't reach then nothing will. I have posted before about the puffins in Iceland and being the only one in the group to be able to get close enough
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Old Baths at Parkgate on The Wirral when there is a high* spring tide can be quite something as the rodents living out on the salt marsh scamper land wards to make their escape. Meanwhile, as well as the sea, various predators turn up to take advantage. It’s not always comfortable viewing, but then nature is like that sometimes.

At the right time of year it’s a good spot for short-eared owls. One of the most important estuary habitats in the country for over-wintering birds. There’s a decent pub nearby too.

*ideally a tide of at least 10m, such that the sea comes right into the sea wall.

Tide tables can be found here: