Canon R7 focussing question.

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Still getting to grips with the R7. As being a keen bird photographer, it was the eye focussing mode I was most interested in.
In servo focussing mode, the focussing ring is on the eye of the bird as it moves about. In one shot mode for stationary birds, should the eye focus still work?
Mine doesn't, I only get which ever focus area I have selected. Is this correct?
Seems it's a known issue, apparently due to lower spec of the R7 vs others in the range. Saw it on YouTube just last night, posted by an Aussie tog.

According to Canon, who he quotes, you need to ensure you make allowance for this in the camera settings.
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Just seems odd that in servo mode it focuses on the eye with no problem, but in one shot mode it does not.
The guy who posted on YouTube is Duade Paton. Posted about 2 weeks ago. 'Canon respond, their admission surprised me!'. Canon R7 AF issues.

Seems his issue arose in burst mode, not single shot, but as it involves contrast could be might manifest in single shot too.
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