WCMUT....what cheered me up today

You have to be open to new things. I never ate anything like this until I met the future Mrs WW and now some Thai dishes are my favourites... along with fish and chips and Yorkshire pudding dinners and sausage and mash.
I like to eat whole meal bread and banana sandwiches :(
Thai dishes are my favourites... along with fish and chips and Yorkshire pudding dinners and sausage and mash.
There's noting wrong with any of that
And any excuse to eat Yorkshire puds.

banana sandwiches :(
Blimey, there's a blast from the past, something I've not eaten since i was about 10.
I remember bread and dripping sarnies, with plenty of salt, from the same era, fighting to be the one that got
to the jelly at the bottom of the jar first :)
My brother would eat white bread dipped in vinegar:(
Winkle sarnies, with plenty of vinegar (y)
A winkle sarnie took some making, as you would eat 2 for every 1 you put in the sarnie. Loosley based on the pea shelling formula. :D
There's noting wrong with any of that
And any excuse to eat Yorkshire puds.

Blimey, there's a blast from the past, something I've not eaten since i was about 10.
I remember bread and dripping sarnies, with plenty of salt, from the same era, fighting to be the one that got
to the jelly at the bottom of the jar first :)
That takes me back, I used to love bread and dripping.
If we were flushed we would also have bread and treacle (Lyles golden syrup), a posh version of the bread and sugar sandwich.
Of course this was all before cholesterol was 'invented'.
A winkle sarnie took some making, as you would eat 2 for every 1 you put in the sarnie. Loosley based on the pea shelling formula. :D
Fair point :D
I'm feeling quite normal after reading this drivel......happy to be normal, cheered me right up.

Is the father a Tampax?
This could have also been in WAMT .
While clearing leaves in the garden we uncovered a hedgehog. :D Covered him back up with straw bedding and leaves.
WAMT? It was about 8ft away from my (empty) home made hog house. :(
I need a rethink.
WCMUT was a sunny (if a bit chilly!) walk up the Otter for lunch. Topping the walk off was a glimpse of a Kingfisher heading downstream.
There's noting wrong with any of that
And any excuse to eat Yorkshire puds.

Blimey, there's a blast from the past, something I've not eaten since i was about 10.
I remember bread and dripping sarnies, with plenty of salt, from the same era, fighting to be the one that got
to the jelly at the bottom of the jar first :)
That takes me back, I used to love bread and dripping.
If we were flushed we would also have bread and treacle (Lyles golden syrup), a posh version of the bread and sugar sandwich.
Of course this was all before cholesterol was 'invented'.

:eek:Can you imagine the effect on the blood vessels ? :D

Bread and sugar sandwiches ? No doubt with a quarter inch of butter... :eek:

Amazing you are both still alive.. Lol.

My wife makes great Yorkshires.
But did you meet the otter?

No, but there were relatively fresh tracks up a steep bank as well as spraint. Plenty of Beaver sign too, although that's far older.
No doubt with a quarter inch of butter...

Needs to be enough to leave tooth marks as you bite it!
When a numpty (-ie, me) drops their wallet at the hospital, oblivious to it. Get's home, realises, panics, feels faint, etc etc, tells Wifey, feels even fainter. Then Wifey phones said hospital, gets through to the department we were at, speaks to reception and is told said wallet has been handed in.

This really, really cheered me up. :)

Kudos to the finder, there are good folk in the world too. You're officially in my cool book. :clap:
Early morning dog walk, still dark at the time, couldn't see my feet at times. Standing still for a minute here and there and listening, it's suprising the wildife you hear, even when it's that dark. That cheered me up and put me on a good footing for the day ahead. (y)
Early morning dog walk, still dark at the time, couldn't see my feet at times. Standing still for a minute here and there and listening, it's suprising the wildife you hear, even when it's that dark. That cheered me up and put me on a good footing for the day ahead. (y)

If only more people just stood quietly, closed their mouths and opened their other senses...........
Up on the Quantocks today with hardly anyone around. Watched a red doe bowl silently across the combe in front of me
A midnight snack or rather a 2am snack.

I've got man flu and was cough cough coughing all night so to give Mrs WW some peace I got up and went downstairs. I sat and watched a picture and then fancied a cup of tea and I thought I'd have a biscuit with it and ended up having six from a selection box with my cup of tea and they were lovely. I then decided I was still hungry so I had a bag of crisps,

I'd never had a night time snack before but now I'd recommend them :D
A midnight snack or rather a 2am snack.

I've got man flu and was cough cough coughing all night so to give Mrs WW some peace I got up and went downstairs. I sat and watched a picture and then fancied a cup of tea and I thought I'd have a biscuit with it and ended up having six from a selection box with my cup of tea and they were lovely. I then decided I was still hungry so I had a bag of crisps,

I'd never had a night time snack before but now I'd recommend them :D
If I open a pack of ginger biscuits they're all for the chop.
If I open a pack of ginger biscuits they're all for the chop.
"Moreish" doesn't even come into it! But its has to be McV's
Mind you chocolate chip cookies comes a close second (y)
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WCMUT? Ordered a new car. So many good cars out there these days, it was starting to do my head in....

Good for you. What did you get?

I've promised myself one more new car but I don't know if or what or when yet.
Good for you. What did you get?

I've promised myself one more new car but I don't know if or what or when yet.

Audi Q2. Lovely little car, big enough for the two of us and some "kit", nice inside, and I bought the upgraded sound system too, I like my music in the car. Reduced my insurance, and (hopefully) my monthly fuel bill. Just about to buy a dash cam to put in it too.
Audi Q2. Lovely little car, big enough for the two of us and some "kit", nice inside, and I bought the upgraded sound system too, I like my music in the car. Reduced my insurance, and (hopefully) my monthly fuel bill. Just about to buy a dash cam to put in it too.

Ah, Yes. I hope it'll be a good one.

I bought a used Evoque to test the waters as I've never had anything like that before. I read somewhere that with used cars which originally cost a lot you should set aside £2k a year as although the car drops in value the servicing and spares may not. So far I've been lucky as the car was £1k cheaper than Auto Trader thought it should be and the car has cost nowhere near that safety net of £2k. I like the car so much I might consider getting a new one.
WCMUT? Ordered a new car. So many good cars out there these days, it was starting to do my head in....
I would have no idea about new cars. All gadgets, gizmos, driving "aids" and sensors! (built in obsolescence! - I am an old g*t though!)
I would have no idea about new cars. All gadgets, gizmos, driving "aids" and sensors! (built in obsolescence! - I am an old g*t though!)

Well I'm in my 60's.... But I like driving, so have kept in touch with developments. The thing I love most about the Audi is that the digital dash allows you to have the sat-nav map in the main cluster sitting behind the speedo & rev counter. You don't have to turn your head away to look at the map. Looking forward to an electric tailgate too.
WCMUT was getting the MiL to and from the city centre dentist easily. Well, the drive from her home to the city centre is a PITA (roadworks) as it getting from her to her home (different set of roadworks) but I managed to find a loading bay that was vacant to drop her (and Mrs Nod, who was on escort duty!) and again to pick her up. Managed to cut out both sets of roadworks getting her and then us home.