What was your first camera ?

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Hello all,

Whilst looking for something else I came across an old camera a LOMO Cosmic 35 from Leningrad Russia. The same type of camera was mine brought ( I'm guessing second hand) from Dixons in Wolverhampton. Somewhere in the early to mid 1970's. The reason I'm guessing second hand is beacause my sisters and mother already had the later later Cosmic 35m.

Here a pic ( not the actual camera I had)


The camera had no light meter so everything was shot using the Sunny 16 rule. As a kid I found this a little confusing but soon copied the scale /shutter speed from my Mother 35m on a bit of paper and sellotaped it inside the case ( I thought I was being really clever here !)

The later 35m sunny 16 helper the same idea as the Cosmic/Smena Symbol


My Cosmic 35 for comparison


As a rule 99% of the time I kept the distance scale to infinity only altering it if the subject was really close. My dad had a fascination for all things Russian and as a kid could never understand if we hated Russia so much ( Cold War era) How come you could buy their stuff ? He had been a Radio operator in the Occupation Of Germany after WW2 and we used to build radios together and I used to listen to various stations Voice of America/ Russian ( plus many others) but they seemed hate each other. I can remember hearing my mother friend saying it was raining because Russia have a weather machine !
The Cosmic 35m is/was my Mothers actual camera. Both camera came with a nice leather case. I can say I had a genuine LOMO camera from the Leningradskoe Optiko Mechanichesckoe Objedinenie company !

Just as an example here is a fairly recent ( 3 or 4 years ago) photo from the Cosmic 35 using as I remember Kentmere 100 or 400

Whats was your first camera ?

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I don’t have it now, but my first film camera was an Olympus Trip 35mm. Cracking little camera that ;)
First camera of my own was some plastic Agfa thing, first 'proper' camera was a Pentax ME Super which I still have.
Kodak Brownie box camera! :tumbleweed:
Agfa Silette II
Instamatic - not sure if it was the 60 or 100 - in 1962/3. A present from my parents for passing my Eleven Plus! The peak of my educational achievements.
A plastic camera that cost around 7/6d I think from Woolworths, bought for me by my mother in 1956 or 1957. As a price comparion, this would be about five and a half portions of take away cod and chips at the time (1/4d for fish and chips at the village fish and chip shop) or 30 cups of tea in a cafeteria. No settings at all, and it used the roll film equivalent of 35mm aka 828. My first foray into miniature photography was followed (as these things always are) with a move to medium format, an 8 on Coronet box camera taking 120 film.
I had some really naff point and shoot ones that i cant even remember but the first modern camera was a Canon 550d.

I had seen images produced on another forum using a Canon 60d and i asked them what camera they used and i got interested from there.
A Pentacon FM with a Meritar 50/3.5. Nice camera to use but not the most reliable. :tumbleweed:

Pentacon FM 67-9011.JPG
Feeding large bonfire at Kent youth hostel 1960s Pentacon FM 67-9020.jpg
Pentacon FM 1968 01-18.jpg
The first I can remember was a Praktica Sport something.... in Red.

I did find one on ebay a while ago for old times sake but it was a bit pricey just to have and not use.

My first SLR was my Yashica FX3 Super 2000 which I still use now.
For most of my adult life I've believed that my first camera was the Werra 1 I got just after my 21st birthday; a strange little 35mm zone focus camera with no light meter, where you wound the film on by rotating the lens collar. Cracking little East German Tessar 50/2.8 lens too; mine was made before they were "persuaded" not to abuse the Zeiss trademark. I never bought a light meter, just used the guidance printed inside film packets in those days; basically Sunny 16 although I never heard the term until I came here. These pics from Sofia were taken with that camera: https://www.talkphotography.co.uk/threads/some-ancient-shots-from-sofia.576511/ .

Surprising number of decent photos from that little Werra 1. It fell into disuse after I bought a Pentax Spotmatic in Singapore on my way out for a 2-year contract in Adelaide, Australia, that turned into 25 years! When we returned to the UK in the 90s, I gave the Werra 1 to a charity shop, a move which for sentimental reasons I now rather regret.

Much, much later I discovered, as documented on here, that my actual first camera was a Dacora Digna 120 camera, which I got back from my sister along with my father's last camera, a Zeiss Ikonta 524/16. Probably got the Dacora in my mid teens. I later found a few contact prints from that camera, but it clearly didn't leave a mark on me, nor did it excite my interest in photography the way that Werra 1 did. The Dacora also went to a charity shop, but I have no regrets at all about that!
Box Brownie, then in 64-65 started to use my father's Voigtlander Vito BR, which it seems I eventually "took over".
Then a Zenit in 1973, added a Zorki 4K and went to Pentax in 74
Remember it well. It was one of these.


Not sure what happened to it. I've probably still got it at the back of the cupboard somewhere. First serious camera was a Pentax MX. Quite how I made the jump from a little Instamatic to that I've no idea. But it worked out okay. :D
110 of some sort.

First "proper" camera was a Pentax S1, with a meter that sat atop the prism housing. From memory, it had a 50mm f/2.2 on it but it may have been a 55mm.
Joking aside, this red thing got me interested as i wanted to have my own pics in there. Then got one of those flip handle Polaroid cameras with the cartridge film then loaned my Dad's olympus em-10, first paid for camera, canon 610 film, then 550 digital, then 7d now r6.Screenshot_20230326_183556_Amazon Shopping.jpg
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620 folding Brownie (new) like this one though I don’t think it has the Dakon lens:

View: https://flic.kr/p/gLWnBD

Quick snap of ancient (1950 ish) contact print from same of my baby brother, now also ancient in the garden of the house we returned to after it was repaired following the blast from a V1 launched from a Heinkel (spellchecker wants to change it Heineken, if only ) 111 aircraft over the North Sea and supposed to land on East Anglia and was the first V1 to land on Hayes, Kent, possibly due to the misinformation we were feeding the Germans that the vengeance weapons were overshooting their targets.

My dad gave me a little Halina 35X with a hotshoe mounted rangefinder in '67, but my first SLR was the Olympus OM1 I bought with my own earnings in '73. Having changeable lenses was real eye-opener for me and it set me on a lifelong love of taking pictures.
Prinzflex 500e??
dixons re badged zenith
One of these Gramps ? Box Brownie no2 I've used it quite a few times as this one take 120 roll film. Sorry about the naff phone photo !

View attachment 384923

Have one in Black was yours like this ? A bit dusty !

View attachment 384926

No. It was more square looking.

MD-2 :)

I've tried linking several images..... Doesn't load....

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Brownie no2 that was my Grandfather's, Gran gave it to me when I was about 11. Took 100's of pictures that I developed with my Dad. Then went on to a Fed 4L rangefinder that I still have but is sadly now unusable due to a failed shutter curtain coating.
My first camera, a Kodak Instamatic 28, made in England, and just unearthed from the loft!
At some time I also took over from my Dad, his No 1 Pocket Kodak.
And for good measure, my Mum's Dacora Instacora F, made in West Germany (found when I was digging out my Instamatic).
When I got keen on photography in my teens, my parents bought me a Pentax Spotmatic 500, but I didn't have if for long before a sneak thief took it from the house (so no picture unfortunately). It was replaced with a new Olympus OM1 which I still use today.

Edited to add:
According to the Kodak Classics website the Instamatic 28 was produced from 1972 to 1974, it had a 43mm f/11 lens and shutter speeds of 1/40 and 1/80 sec.
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A fairly unmemorable Kodak 110, followed by one of these with the same 50mm f/2.8 Domiplan lens, which served me to learn the basics of photography in conjunction with a cheap Vivitar light meter

Praktica PL Nova I by Rob Telford, on Flickr

After a couple of years it was sold to part-fund a Canon AV-1 which remained my main camera for most of the next 20 years until I finally bought myself an A-1, and then a 300D.

In a moment of nostalgia I picked up the fairly tidy example of a Nova 1 above for £11 a few years ago. It makes the same satisfying clunk as my old one when the shutter is released :)
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Used lots of ‘family’ cameras, but my first camera was a Praktica MTL5b, bought from Argos, 1983 I think.

Borrowed a second identical one, but took a while to build a couple of lenses.

Revelation came with a loan of a Canon AE1p, so much better to use.

Then Chinon, Bronica and a proper setup. I didn’t go AF till 2001, and by 2003 I had my first DSLR.
My very first camera was around 60 years ago that came free when so many SPORTS chocolate biscuit wrappers were collected.
I think my Mum still has some of the photos in a box somewhere.

The first camera I used in earnest was my Dad's Petri 7s

The first camera that I actually bought and owned was a Fujica STX 2 in 1981
That was back in the day when cameras came with a 50mm lens and leather cover
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Used lots of ‘family’ cameras, but my first camera was a Praktica MTL5b, bought from Argos, 1983 I think.

Borrowed a second identical one, but took a while to build a couple of lenses.

Revelation came with a loan of a Canon AE1p, so much better to use.

Then Chinon, Bronica and a proper setup. I didn’t go AF till 2001, and by 2003 I had my first DSLR.
Chinon were very underated, really good camera, I know the shutters were made by Pentax in the ce4 and later (maybe earlier too)