Review What's The Ugliest Camera You Own?

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I thought I'd start this incredibly useful, practical and helpful thread to showcase some ugly cameras. Pics please!!

I thought I'd restrict it to cameras you own (or possibly have owned) and I'm particularly interested if you quite like the camera despite it's ugliness (either because the operation/use is great, or because you have no taste)

I'll kick this off with my new Olympus IS-3000


It's about 3/4 of the size of my 645n and makes ugly noises as well as its looks. It needs DX coded films or it defaults to... Yep a very useful 32 ISO. It's got picture modes, pop up flash and 2 speeds of noisy zoom. In and out. 180mm at full extention and I have the 1.5 "converter" which is basically a Raynox that attaches to the front of the lens.

UI in the viewfinder is surprisingly good. You get visual confirmation of aperture and shutter speed as well as a flashing light if your settings will under/over expose.

Every internet review talks about its ugliness, but I love it. I just *feel* more professional using it. Just need to add my peak anchors to complete the "pro" look. Hipster filmie me? Nah!
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Was this meant to be just for film cameras, Ian?
This could do to be a competition for the fugliest, with a vote, at say, the end of this month!
Problem is I can't enter as all my kit is "beautiful" :LOL:
I don't think that the Fuji X-T and X-H series bodies are particularly good looking but I love the way they handle and the images they give me.

Oops! Just realised this is F&C!!!

In which case, I'll go for the OM10. Looks very similar to the X series Fuji digitals and is similar in handling. Gets rather less use than the Fujis these days!
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Was this meant to be just for film cameras, Ian?

I am not the boss of you. :) If you want to go darkside digital that's fine by me.

Edit to add, it was primarily to see lots of T70 pics so I can work up to thinking about possibly getting one....
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I don't think that the Fuji X-T and X-H series bodies are particularly good looking

Agreed but they'd have a much better chance of being picked on a blind date than Ians contraption….Can you believe that he actually paid money to acquire it!:facepalm::LOL::LOL:
Agreed but they'd have a much better chance of being picked on a blind date than Ians contraption….Can you believe that he actually paid money to acquire it!:facepalm::LOL::LOL:

You have no taste. All those sleek lines. No sharp corners. Great big long extendable compensatory zoom. What more does a man need?
Can I throw in my made in china fungus infested lens, bought for ÂŁ50 and sold for ÂŁ50 a couple of years later. My point of sale promotional image generated lots of enquiries.

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Edit to add, it was primarily to see lots of T70 pics so I can work up to thinking about possibly getting one....
T70 was quite sleek, compared to a T80 with the "autofocus" 35-80 zoom it came with - the one and only FD mount autofocus lens ever (for good reason, you could have manually focussed, shot a roll of 36 and put a new roll in before the autofocus had locked on)
My first AF camera was a Canon Epoca which I still have. I bought a battery for it last year, but haven't got round to actually using it yet. It also has a sliding cover over a viewfinder on the top, so you could use it as a waistlevel finder. It was the sharpest thing I'd ever seen on flash close-up/portrait type shots, but I never use flash nowadays ............. :rolleyes:
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:eek::eek::eek::eek: For me I think my RB67 is quite ugly but don't blame Mamiya as it was made for people who don't care about looks and just want a camera to do the job.

I kinda agree... its definitely a system you grow to love rather than think is beautiful... its very functional I suppose... I love the 645, though, I think thats a bit lovely
I don't think I can beat that Yashica, but my Instax Wide isn't particularly stylish - it looks like something from Fisher Price, or perhaps a medical X-Ray camera.

Film box shown for scale (not because I don't know what film it uses :)).

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Is that a slot for a CD on the top Nige? That would make it pretty cool.:cool:
I'll put a poll up if we get 10 cameras on this thread. That Instax is pretty bad.
No-one has actually included the T70!!!! (Yet...)
I don't think I can beat that Yashica, but my Instax Wide isn't particularly stylish - it looks like something from Fisher Price, or perhaps a medical X-Ray camera.

Film box shown for scale (not because I don't know what film it uses :)).

View attachment 267804
I thought that olympus took the crown but this Instax:ROFLMAO:
I've said it before, T70 is lovely... T80 with the kit 35-80mm "auto" "focus" lens

I remember discovering this when looking for cheap AF cameras that were SLR style. Personally, I think the T80 is really cool looking and far from ugly (much like my Oly up top). I don't think I'd use the word "lovely" to describe the T70 though. That handgrip... Man....

My humble opinion as always!

So far, we have photos of the Oly, the T80, Ariel's Yashica, and Nige's Instax. 6 more and it's a poll.
Ignoring how it can be used and advantages, I've always remarked "all that for a tiny 35mm image" and to me it's ugly:D...and I don't own it and wouldn't buy it.............

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Do you need an actual photo of my Epoca, rather than the linked one in #13? Or is it way too attractive to be seen amongst the others? :whistle:

Lazy voters don't click links... Feel free to find an internet one though...
As far as I recall, you set tbe exposure by squeezing and twisting the big red knob until the word 'YES' appears.

And this, fellow photographers, is how all photography should be conducted.
Edit to add: That's 8!
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