Yashicamat 124G fault - any ideas?

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I bought a Yashicamat 124G recently to replace my original copy (which has some haze in the taking lens).

The new camera is in great physical condition, so I took it out today to test it out. The first three shots were fine, but the fourth wouldn't fire the shutter. The button depressed, but the shutter didn't fire. At first I though maybe I'd not wound on after the last shot, or that I'd accidentally tripped the shutter, so I took another shot and it worked fine.

But then, a few shots later it happened again - the button depressed, but there was no click of the shutter firing and I had to advance the film and re-cock the shutter to take the next shot.

With some trepidation, I loaded a new roll of film when the first was finished. Again, the first shot was ok. The second wasn't. Then the third shot was ok. After this though, it wouldn't fire at all and after advancing, cocking, attempting to shoot several times I gave it up as a bad job. The issue was the same whether I was pressing the shutter button directly, or using a cable release.

I've managed to extract the second roll and carefully rewind it back on to the original spool, so hopefully I can still make use of the frames I didn't manage to shoot.

Frustratingly, now there's no film in the camera, it seems to fire fine every time.

Does anyone have any idea as to what might be the cause please?

I'll probably return it to the seller, but I don't want to be making some sort of stupid oversight. Having successfully shot hundreds of photos on my original Yashicamat 124G over the past few years, I think operator error is unlikely though.
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I used to have both problems - haze and shutter - with my 124G. The most frequent variant of the shutter problem was that it would need two presses to fire.

I got it serviced at Newton Ellis which resolved both problems (also frame spacing issues). It wasn't cheap but a lot cheaper than replacing the camera. I suggest getting the original serviced to cure the haze and returning the second.
I used to have both problems - haze and shutter - with my 124G. The most frequent variant of the shutter problem was that it would need two presses to fire.

I got it serviced at Newton Ellis which resolved both problems (also frame spacing issues). It wasn't cheap but a lot cheaper than replacing the camera. I suggest getting the original serviced to cure the haze and returning the second.
Unfortunately the haze in mine is between the elements, which I don't think can be resolved.
If it's of any help, there's a copy of the Yashicamat service manual here...

I doubt the basic design of the Yashicamat's mechanism varied much from model to model.

Thanks. I bought the new Yashicamat from a dealer though, so I'll get a refund (or have them fix the problem if they can) rather than risk my own efforts at this stage. I reckon I could destroy it completely without much effort at all. :D