Zine Exchange VII - January to April 2024

I received the zine from @Mr Perceptive a few days ago. It is an outstanding piece of work. The sequencing of images, layout, texts and quality of production all add to the picturing of this disquiet and haunting landscape. I first became acquainted with the Dungeness landscape through Derek Jarman's film, 'The Garden.' The shingle, Prospect Cottage, the Power Station, scattered dwellings and a still working fishing industry all contribute to an unreal reality, heightened with the striking photography. Thank you.
I also received mine yesterday (lol Northwich post) but haven't had a chance to go through it yet.
Received zine from @Motaz today
Another excellent project, well presented and professional production.
Motaz' zone arrived this morning. Thank you, both you and David (yesterday) for your fascinating zines.

Still waiting for mine to arrive arrive - there was an email last night suggesting a changed delivery date, but it was still showing the 14th.
I would completely agree with this - loved it. Visited Dunge many years ago (mid 80s?) and had a tour round the Power Station and tramp across the shingle - wasn’t the sought out photo destination it is now.

I received the zine from @Mr Perceptive a few days ago. It is an outstanding piece of work. The sequencing of images, layout, texts and quality of production all add to the picturing of this disquiet and haunting landscape. I first became acquainted with the Dungeness landscape through Derek Jarman's film, 'The Garden.' The shingle, Prospect Cottage, the Power Station, scattered dwellings and a still working fishing industry all contribute to an unreal reality, heightened with the striking photography. Thank you.
Motaz' zone arrived this morning. Thank you, both you and David (yesterday) for your fascinating zines.

Still waiting for mine to arrive arrive - there was an email last night suggesting a changed delivery date, but it was still showing the 14th.

Thank you for your kind comments, I put a decent amount of thought into this one, and am pleased with the result. Having done several zines now, I definitely find it easy working with 210x210 format as opposed to A5 - must be how my brain works - anyway pleased it has provided some enjoyment to others.

I also received mine yesterday (lol Northwich post) but haven't had a chance to go through it yet.

Why am I not surprised, I nearly went to theh Post Office in Lime Avenue, then I could have delivered it personally!!
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The zine of @Motaz arrived with me this morning. It is a very impressive production, considering how much reported frustration there had been in seeing this project to fruition. I'm very taken with the size of the zine and the arrangement of the photographs. The matt paper added a different and positive viewing and tactile experience when encountering the images of history, pattern and street life. Yes, it's a great zine of Andalucian life and places. Thank you.
Thanks everyone for your very kind comments. I'm very glad you liked it. I also just received David's great zine. I'm impressed by the print quality. I agree with the shape I think your photos are better in this form. I particularly like the full page photos. I don't know if you saw this other project about Dungeness:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOdCiQ5TcFw

It's how I heard of it, yours is a different take indeed.
I've just spent some time going through @Mr Perceptive and @Motaz zines and within a couple of pages I had the same smile creep across my face that I had with the others I've looked at so far. It just felt that the photographer had spent time with their subject, and that the photos had been taken with love/care and that it was really obvious very quickly. The Andalucia zine was the last one I looked at and that phrase at the end "you do it with love" really summarised what came across in all the zines I've received - not just this time, but in previous exchanges too. There's a real sense of "care" about the theme, subject, topic, area, or whatever the photographer decided to do. Did anyone else get this sense or was it just me?

I know some of us have gone around the block a few times with this exchange, but that sense of care is what keeps me wanting to do it again. Not just to put more of my crap out there, but to see what other people give a s**t about.

I feel quite privileged, not just to see new content from newcomers, but to get to know those whose zines I've seen a few of, a little better. (Clumsiest sentence in the world, but hopefully makes sense)

Some questions if you feel like answering...

1. How much effort was required to make your zine? (Out of ten, based on the whole time you had)
2. How much panicked effort was required to make your zine? (out of ten based on the time you gave yourself to do it)
3. How satisfied were you with your zine (Grade yourself as if you were a teacher: A, B, C, D, E etc. + and - allowed - school report text optional)
4. Do you feel like that project is now finished, or was this zine an exploratory part of a bigger thing?

I have a fifth question but I'll save that for when all the zines are in....

My answers...

1. 1/10 Had loads of time, used almost none of it.
2. 6/10 As the organiser, I made a decision to do something quite late on, then got on with it. Probably did the whole zine from concept to shooting, to completion in about 3 weeks. Had lots of ideas, none of which really inspired me.
3. Quite pleased with it. School report: "A really good effort but appeared a bit rushed. Could do better with more planning, research and care with counting chickens" Grade: B-
4. Project is definitely done although I have thought about making a really big book (A2 sized) just for the fun of it.
1. How much effort was required to make your zine? (Out of ten, based on the whole time you had)
2. How much panicked effort was required to make your zine? (out of ten based on the time you gave yourself to do it)
3. How satisfied were you with your zine (Grade yourself as if you were a teacher: A, B, C, D, E etc. + and - allowed - school report text optional)
4. Do you feel like that project is now finished, or was this zine an exploratory part of a bigger thing?

1. About 5 out of 10. I had a specific project in mind for a local subject, spend nearly a day shooting, then came back and processed but found for various reasons I'd lost key pictures, so went back to re-shoot. Then after grappling with processing over several evenings realised it was work & not inspiring me, so went back through the work of the last three years sorting, curating and reprocessing the pictures for something that DID excite me, then put the zine together over the eqivalent of about 2 working days.

2. No panic - 8/10 - because I'd left enough slack to complete by the end of June deadline. If I hadn't completed last weekend then it would have been a bit different, but delivery without stress within the deadline is fine.

3. Having not yet seen it in the paper I'd say B. I made certain choices about paper and finish because this time it's all colour, and I'm not certain they will be optimal. There are some images I might have done slightly differently if I were to re-do it and I might also have been much more adventurous with layouts than I have been. My first zine (in the previous round) was landscape and I've selected that again because I liked the possibilities it brought. There was another zine between in portrait, but that layout didn't fit the pictures so well. The text might have been a bit more 'professional' too, and less personal.

4. More zines are planned, likely also in this area, as well as others. I hope eventually to produce photobooks.
Some questions if you feel like answering...

1. How much effort was required to make your zine? (Out of ten, based on the whole time you had)
2. How much panicked effort was required to make your zine? (out of ten based on the time you gave yourself to do it)
3. How satisfied were you with your zine (Grade yourself as if you were a teacher: A, B, C, D, E etc. + and - allowed - school report text optional)
4. Do you feel like that project is now finished, or was this zine an exploratory part of a bigger thing?

1. I like photo projects, I usually have several on the go (as I still have a day job, I can't dedicate significant blocks of time to things), some of these projects are long term, others are brief, depending on my interests at the time. For this zine, I initially decided to use a new project rather than work with just archive material, I started worked on a project about the River Weaver and the Weaver Navigation, I made a dozen or so trips out (it's local so easy), took lots of photos, but it wasn't flowing (no pun intended as I hoped), and then we had a period of a lot of rain (especially at weekends) making outdoor photography difficult, so I started looking at an alternative projects. An indoor project would mean that I wasn't weather dependant, so I started working on an idea of a zine about zines! I have acquired several hundred zines over the last 4-5 years, and so an opportunity was there. I had a banker that I could utilise if needed.

Then in late March I decided to take my 85yo Mum on Holiday, and I booked a small cottage in Deal, Kent. I knew I'd get some time to myself, and intended to revisit Dungeness which I had really enjoyed on a previous visit in 2018. I had a mid-week day there arriving early (8am) and was completely captivated by the place (again), and spent teh day wandering about taking photographs. I revisited for a couple of hours later in the week taking my Mum, this time the shingle was off-piste, so all images where captured from the road. On returning home, I processed my images, and then reviewed again the images I had taken in 2018, and thought, this would make a great zine, and I am enthusiatic about this, so the "Within One Mile" zine was born.

I spent about 1.5 days - putting toether teh zine, by rediting images, selecting, sequencing, and writing the text - again it was raining, and I found it enjoyable. I then left it for a couple of days before undertaking a final review and sending off for print.

In terms of effort, very little really, it came together quite easily, despite not shooting some of it until very early May, I never felt pressured (remember i still had a couple of banker solutions), difficult to give marks out of 10, but say 3/10

2. No panic or pressure at all, I find that working with a couple of ideas usually results in banker that I could use if needed (and still can!!!) - I had plenty of time before the deadline despite other participant zines dropping through teh letterbox!! I'm used to working to deadlines (and it wasn't like making teh zine was my first!), and try to stay ahead of them, so again 3/10 no panic from me!

3. I'm very pleased with this zine, I do feel that it is probably the best one I've made so far, the images feel much more curated and the sequening and layout I really enjoyed. I can always do better, out of the 10 zines I've put toegther (8 of which have been printed), its the best, the most complete so A-

4. Dungeness is several hours away from my home, I'm sure I will visit again, but unless I actually stay on one of the AirBnB's on the shingle (which is something my wife and I have talked about, a week at Dungeness and spending the whole week there, not driving anywhere, just exploring the estate itself all within walking distance. I'd love to be there in stormy winter light conditions) then it is unlikey that this project will form part of a larger project. But never say never.

Making a photobook is the next natural step, but as I said before still having a day job, makes it harder to put together a larger body of work - though I have spent years photographing the decaying slate quarries in Wales - probably though this is a retirement project!

I would like to thank @Harlequin565 and all teh participants, the zine making projects is one of the most enjoyable things I have done photographically and I look forward to participating in many more 'exchanges'
Thanks everyone for your very kind comments. I'm very glad you liked it. I also just received David's great zine. I'm impressed by the print quality. I agree with the shape I think your photos are better in this form. I particularly like the full page photos. I don't know if you saw this other project about Dungeness:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOdCiQ5TcFw

It's how I heard of it, yours is a different take indeed.
Yes, I had seen this, and looked at the kickstarter (and I'll probably back it, besides collecting zxines, I seem to have acquired a large number of photobooks!). I'd be interested how this works with the Dungeness Estate, as they have quite stiff fees for any commercial work (photography/video) on the estate

I did buy this though - as I have more than a passing interest in architecture especially post war architecture


Hi all sorry I haven’t got much time lately to give my feedback about the zines I’ve received so far. Sat down this morning with a fresh cup of coffee to enjoy looking at them again. I Received “Caustic”, “Within One Mile” & “ Photos from Andalucia”.
Paul, David and Motaz can’t express enough my appreciation for receiving these very beautifully presented zines with amazing content