Zine Exchange VII - January to April 2024

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Got a project on the go that you never finish?

Got a set of photos that tell a story?

Why not publish them in a Zine and share it with a group on here?

This is a group project where all participants make a zine, then exchange it with everyone else taking part.


This challenge aims to get people printing and publishing their work. What you produce and how, is up to you.

What is a Zine? The word is a shortened form of the word magazine (or maybe fanzine?) and the product is a short, small format magazine - generally a small circulation, self-published work. For this challenge it is a collection of your photos edited together into a magazine or booklet format. Self-published does not necessarily mean self-printed, you can print yourself or you can send your work off to a printing service. For this group, a zine isn't just an album or portfolio of your favourite photos or pictures of your family, the aim is to put together a magazine with images that are the product of a project, or shot as a coherent set.

Sign-up, chat, banter, progress reports, questions and queries can all be posted in this thread.

You don't need to decide right now, there will hopefully be a few of us who are committed to this so watch this thread, hang around, ask questions and start pulling together the content you might include, then when you are comfortable with that let us know.

January - April 2024: You come up with an idea, take pictures and design your zine. You can even build it in your software of choice.
Monday 29th April 2024 : This week I will be asking people to formally commit to making their zine. You will have 7 days to PM me your name & address to confirm your commitment. I generally tag anyone who has registered an interest to remind them, so if you post on this thread that you might be interested, I can let you know closer to the time.
Monday 6th May 2024 : I will send out a PM to all confirmed participants with everyone's name & address as well as a confirmed amount of zines people need to print.
May/June 2024 : Everyone gets the appropriate number of zines printed and mails them out to everyone on the list by the end of June 2024


- Link to the Book & Zine Making Thread.
- Link to the 1st zine exchange
- Link to the 2nd zine exchange
- Link to the 3rd zine exchange
- Link to the 4th zine exchange.
- Link to the 5th zine exchange.
- Link to the 6th zine exchange.

Some buried and useful posts.
- My tips for surviving Mixam's UI
- Dave's thoughts on the different print services
- My post on making a page ready for print using Lightroom & Photoshop
- Dave's post on potential zine storage options
- Graham's list of links for making a photobook
- My silly post on how to make a 6 page mini zine from a single sheet of paper
- Potential packaging suppliers (for postage)
- Typography - a mini discussion (with links)
- Flip through video example by Andy
- Procrastination. A TED talk linked by Chris
- A review of the different paper types supplied by Mixam

Off TP links
- Emulsive guide to printing a zine
- Dave's blog post on how to make a zine
- Another blog post from Dave about the thinking behind ZE:III (Zine Exchange III)
- Introductory post on using Affinity Publisher to set up an A5 zine (Sourced by ChrisR)
- YouTube video linked originally by Mark on how to use Affinity Publisher (which is relatively cheap, and often discounted)

Q: Can anyone take part?

A: The exchange is open to contributing members here at TP. If you found out about this from somewhere else, you're welcome to join in, but it would be good if you could contribute to other areas of the forum and help keep Talk Photography alive..

Q: I don't live in the UK, can I play?
A: Potentially. However it will be OPTIONAL for people to post zines out to you mainly due to the cost. I'm happy to post anywhere, so you will at least get one zine, but it wouldn't be fair to force people to post outside the UK. We have entertained the idea of sending boxes of compiled zines to reduce postage costs, but haven't had anyone take it up yet. If you're serious about it, let us know in the thread.

Q: So how much will it all cost?
A: My experience is that you can get a box of 25-30 zines from Mixam delivered for about £50. Then there's the postage to each person taking part. Previous zine exchanges have fluctuated in numbers. 6, 8, 15, 8, 8 and 8. Have a read through the thread to get an idea of roughly how many are taking part. Postage of a "normal" A5 zine will be £1 to £1.50 using 2nd class. (Large letter, then depends whether it's >100g or not)

Q: How many zines will I have to send?
A: Not sure. We'll monitor how many people show interest and we're mindful that sending 20-30 zines out will be expensive, so will be looking to try and limit the costs somehow should we get a lot of entrants. Rest assured that you can leave it until the last month before committing to the point of spending any money so you can make a decision then. As you can see from the above question, numbers generally hover around the 8-10 mark.

Q: How should I design it?
A: That's the challenge of making a zine. It's not just about plonking a bunch of photos in a book, it's about crafting something. Text or no text? Colour, monochrome or mix? Square, landscape or portrait (or mix)? One image to a page, or collages? A Google search for "Photography zine" will give you some good cover ideas too! If you're new to the challenge, ask in the thread to see if anyone will send you an example of theirs.

Q: How big should I make it?
A: As a minimum, I'd suggest A5 and containing 10-15 pages. A5 also makes storage easier. Bear in mind you need to pay for it, and post it, so the bigger or heavier you go, the more cost to you.

Q: What should the zine contain?
A: It's up to you, but most zines work well when based around a theme or project. I prefer to take new images for it, whilst others like to go through their back catalogue. Do what makes you happy - film, digital, or phone - doesn't matter. I'd say pick a theme or a topic and work to that but my last zine was a mess of incohesion and indecision, so don't listen to me! And if you want to put poetry in it, or scans of your paintings, or stick men on a mountain, that's fine too!

Q: What software do I need to make a zine?
A: Again - up to you. Many previous participants used Affinity Publisher as it has a relatively easy learning curve and is often available at a 50% discount. Photoshop will also do the job if you have the Adobe Photographer plan. Other programs are available though, so please ask in the thread if you're not sure.

Q: I have no clue what a zine looks like? Can I see some examples?
A: Andy did a flip through sample of one of his zines (see links above), and towards the end of the ZE:6 thread (link), there are some pdf flip through examples. Also, I'm fairly sure there will be some people happy to send you one of their previous efforts so you can see the sort of things we're doing. Just ask in-thread.
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Q: Can anyone take part?
A: The exchange is open to contributing members here at TP. If you found out about this from somewhere else, you're welcome to join in, but it would be good if you could contribute to other areas of the forum and help keep Talk Photography alive..
New FAQ question added fyi, otherwise it's the same as the last one with different dates.

Oh, and thanks for the sticky whoever did it :) (y)
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I love the idea, and have thought about producing a zine for a while now. My first concern is that I'm in the US. I read the note above about shipping to the US and totally understand it. I participate in a monthly photo exchange and that has experienced the same problem. Has anyone suggested running two of these, one for the UK and another for the US? My other concern is the cost. I'm just not in a very good financial position right now and with the economy the way it is here in the states, I don't see it getting better soon. I followed the thread if for no other reason as to see how the process and how it works. Everyone have a wonderful holiday season.
I love the idea, and have thought about producing a zine for a while now. My first concern is that I'm in the US. I read the note above about shipping to the US and totally understand it. I participate in a monthly photo exchange and that has experienced the same problem. Has anyone suggested running two of these, one for the UK and another for the US? My other concern is the cost. I'm just not in a very good financial position right now and with the economy the way it is here in the states, I don't see it getting better soon. I followed the thread if for no other reason as to see how the process and how it works. Everyone have a wonderful holiday season.
I see no reason why you couldn't organise something over there. I believe the membership here is very UK centric, but if you want to copy paste my original post into something for you to organise in the US that's fine by me :) (maybe with Facebook if you don't have a community there?)

One thing we discussed last time we had someone from abroad (The fifth one we did I think) was... (quoting David because he explained it nice & simply and it was his idea)

I'm sure we can facilitate this, if one member volunteers themselves then if you sent a box of zines to them, they could send your zine and their zine to each participant and in return everyone sends 2 copies of their zine to that member, who can get a set together and send you a box of zines back - as long as the postage could be covered its quite straight forward.

It still wouldn't be cheap I don't think. It cost me about £7 to send my last zine to the US. I suspect a box of 8-10 zines would be relatively expensive. Then you'd have to send a box of yours to the UK. No clue on how much that would be - but it would just be the one parcel. A quick look at our Royal Mail website reckons a 1.5kg package would be about £20, reduced to £12 if you want to wait 42 days!!!

(Edit - I'm assuming you're not in Guantanamo Bay. That seems to be a special destination for some reason!!)
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@PhotoVanGogh Lewis, I'm not sure we have enough US-based members to run this in a separate US instance, but in any case I think it would need a USA-based member to run it like @Harlequin565 Ian is in the UK. I'm afraid we have no knowledge of good USA print shops like we have used in the existing UK Zine challenges. It would be great if it could be done, but it needs that volunteer with local knowledge. Do follow it though to get the idea, and if things improve over there for you, who knows? It might be worth running a poll at some point to see how many lurking Americans would be interested... If there were enough, I'd be willing to be the UK-based collater and postbox for international sharing though as described by Ian.
I love the idea, and have thought about producing a zine for a while now. My first concern is that I'm in the US. I read the note above about shipping to the US and totally understand it. I participate in a monthly photo exchange and that has experienced the same problem. Has anyone suggested running two of these, one for the UK and another for the US? My other concern is the cost. I'm just not in a very good financial position right now and with the economy the way it is here in the states, I don't see it getting better soon. I followed the thread if for no other reason as to see how the process and how it works. Everyone have a wonderful holiday season.
Didn't we have the same issue with one of the the previous Zine swaps?

A solution couple be to have someone collect all the Zines and ship in one package. And then receive one package in return to forward on.

Still not a cheap option.
Didn't we have the same issue with one of the the previous Zine swaps?

A solution couple be to have someone collect all the Zines and ship in one package. And then receive one package in return to forward on.

Still not a cheap option.

I've offered in the past to be an overseas collator.

The cheapest way is for the overseas participant to use Mixam UK and get it shipped to someone in the UK, they can then distribute the zines along with their zine, and collect the zines to go back overseas. When all the zines have arrived, a single shipment can be sent overseas containing all the zines in the exchange and the remaining overseas participant zines.

This way only one packaged is shipped overseas (not both ways), the big disadvantage is that the overseas participant gets to their zine last!!!

Still won't be cheap though
Pencil me in. I want to have another go at a zine I messed up some time back and this would be my nudge to do it.

Meanwhile I have to wait until after Xmas to get my hands on my latest sheep zine/book. :(
Hello! Yes, count me in again please, and a happy image making 2024 to everyone.
No worries. We have plenty of time.

Until we don't :)
No worries. We have plenty of time.

Until we don't :)

See your last zine is now a record of the past, with the most interesting charity shop in Northwich moving to part of a unit in an industrial estate in Winsford, and the existing shop will now end up just like all the other Northwich charity shops..............................
See your last zine is now a record of the past, with the most interesting charity shop in Northwich moving to part of a unit in an industrial estate in Winsford, and the existing shop will now end up just like all the other Northwich charity shops..............................
Sadly yes. Almost all our customers thought it was one of the coolest shops in the area. Unfortunately most of them never bought anything, and clothes sell. It wasn't unusual for us to take less than £50 a day in the shop with other (clothes) shops making twenty times that. eBay was propping us up and they have better facilities for that at the Warehouse.

We've fought for a corner in the Warehouse shop and got it. It'll be a few months before it's ready, but we'll lose our regular customers and all the walk-in geeky husbands hiding while their wives did the shopping. But yes - that zine got done just in time and is now a piece of history all of its own.
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Sadly yes. Almost all our customers thought it was one of the coolest shops in the area. Unfortunately most of them never bought anything, and clothes sell. It wasn't unusual for us to take less than £50 a day in the shop with other (clothes) shops making twenty times that. eBay was propping us up and they have better facilities for that at the Warehouse.

We've fought for a corner in the Warehouse shop and got it. It'll be a few months before it's ready, but we'll lose our regular customers and all the walk-in geeky husbands hiding while their wives did the shopping. But yes - that zine got done just in time and is now a piece of history all of its own.

Sadly you'll probably do less well in the warehouse, as most people go there for big stuff (ie furniture) - that said I hope that I'm wrong!
Almost halfway through... How's it going? Procrastinating? Finished? Planned?

As usual, I have a main idea and a backup idea. Still doing groundwork and not picked the camera up yet, but fingers are firmly crossed it will work out.
I have the idea, I have most of the pictures, struggling with the words to make it make sense, struggling even more with the layout in affinity publisher coz for all the previous ones I have printed and constructed at home
A bag load of shots and a theme which didn't occur to me first when out shooting. Interesting how that happens. Now for some germinating, sifting and sorting.
Headsup but Affinity Publisher is on a 30% deal at the moment. Thanks @garryknight for the headsup in another thread.
Apologies from me Ian. The start to this year has not gone to plan at all; a fractured rib did not help at all plus my volunteer work for the RPS has taken up more time than I anticipated - the switch to digital for L applications meant a lot of time devoted to 121s for those trying to get work in for the last print assessment which is coming up in a couple oof weeks. Sadly, I won't get the chance to do anything this time but I have the idea and images so hopefully, I will get my act together for a go at it next year.
How is everyone's Zine coming along? I know I'm not in this one but I just wondered how you're all getting on?

How many are taking part this time around?
Well I'm in, I think. Still plenty of time, and there are a few others from up in the thread that are moving along with it. A good 6 weeks ish to still get something together.
Selected a few pictures, wrote a small amount of text, printed a test at home,
So far so good , fingers crossed
How is everyone's Zine coming along? I know I'm not in this one but I just wondered how you're all getting on?

How many are taking part this time around?
Have a couple of ideas but not quite sure which one’s going to fly in time…one will.
Gentlemen, can I join but have the option to pull out if I can’t make it?
I have a project in mind and I would love to see others zine.
Gentlemen, can I join but have the option to pull out if I can’t make it?
I have a project in mind and I would love to see others zine.
That's fine. It's what everyone else does.
Cool, I’d better get you work then
I’ve uploaded my pictures on Mixam and used their online tool to design the Zine. Finished it yesterday and looked good. But when I save and upload the file it rearranges the pages. Not sure why that’s happening but looks like that’s not an option anymore.
Is there any free editors for making a zine?
I’ve got Adobe CS6 by the way, haven’t figured out a way to use it for making a zine. Using CS6 the way I know would probably be a tedious task