Jpeg vs Raw

Edit My Images
I never realy looked into the difference between Jpeg and Raw until today, wow what a difference there is between the 2 images, both had exactly the same amount of touch up in post, it is the colour difference that got my attention. Both images were taken using Panny G5 with vintage pentax lens and extension tubes, I set the camera to take both Raw and Jpeg so the image is identical,
Which do people think looks better ??

Jpeg image
Raw image
The differance is probably down to the white balance your camera has put on the JPEG on processing, the RAW is 'as seen' and the software may tweak this on loading.
The RAW does look better, would be worth checking what WB your camera is set too.
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The differance is probably down to the white balance your camera has put on the JPEG on processing, the RAW is 'as seen' and the software may tweak this on loading.
The RAW does look better, would be worth checking what WB your camera is set too.
At the minute Gav the WB is set on auto.
One reason for me to shoot raw is that if I do I have the raw available and con reprocess it at some point in the future with newer and better software for a better or even just a different end result.
Andrew, have you checked what "in camera" default adjustment are made to jpegs - should be in your menu options
Yes it is, page 1 of the REC menu, first line, Picture Style.
Select the style you are using or want to use, then press the down arrow, and you can adjust Contrast, Sharpness, Saturation, and Noise reduction.
Andrew, have you checked what "in camera" default adjustment are made to jpegs - should be in your menu options
Yes it is, page 1 of the REC menu, first line, Picture Style.
Select the style you are using or want to use, then press the down arrow, and you can adjust Contrast, Sharpness, Saturation, and Noise reduction.
I have it set on Standard with contrast,sharpness and saturation all on 0, and NR set at -2, (max for G5)
I have it set on Standard with contrast,sharpness and saturation all on 0, and NR set at -2, (max for G5)
How you set it is how you need it.
I have the noise reduction and sharpness on minimum as I prefer to adjust if in Affinity

Even on the lowest settings, it is still doing something, just less.

If you programme has no noise reduction, I would suggest you try 0 and above in noise shows on your pictures, and just see how it goes until you find what you like.
I have it set on Standard with contrast,sharpness and saturation all on 0, and NR set at -2, (max for G5)
No idea why the "greens" or the WB temp should be that different then, if they are both OOC images