Beginner Nikon D5200 ...... First camera Picture thread

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Just got myself one of these with the 18-50mm lens, my first "proper" camera, just have to work out how to use it .....:cool:
Lots of good guides on YouTube. I never did any on that exact model, but I have loads on other Nikon budget models which are basically the same.
Welcome to the club ;)

loads of info on YouTube on how to use the camera.
Thanks guys, have had a quick look, will be using you tube a lot I think
Almost a year in, I have learnt a lot just by looking at your pictures and reading the comments.

Thought it about time to show a few.

Couple of Silhouettes from a few weeks ago

Silhouette 2 by John, on Flickr

silhouette by John, on Flickr
I love these nice composition.

Edit: Spelling correction
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Pleased with this shot as I was looking the other way when the first swans landed. I panned as they flew in and caught them just in time.

This was taken with my Lumix FZ82 bridge camera.

Swans landing2 by John, on Flickr
One of the reasons I got a Lumix FZ82

1 by John, on Flickr
Common NamesShaggy Parasol
Scientific NameChlorophyllum rhacodes

Inedible, can cause severe gastric upsets in some people. Howevfer it does look nice :)

Fungi by John, on Flickr
Thanks for sharing the images. Nice to see it pays off after a year as I've just got my first proper camera. I'm still messing about, switching between auto, A mode, scenes, manual, watching you tube and on this forum. Hopefully get a good understanding and then post some photos . How did you start, did you go stray to manual or just use some auto settings?
Thanks for sharing the images. Nice to see it pays off after a year as I've just got my first proper camera. I'm still messing about, switching between auto, A mode, scenes, manual, watching you tube and on this forum. Hopefully get a good understanding and then post some photos . How did you start, did you go stray to manual or just use some auto settings?

There is a lot to learn :) . You sound like me when I first got mine. It can be daunting but needn't be.

I decided early on to focus on the composition which meant my camera was on auto or one of the scene modes most of the time. They are on there why not use them.
I then found myself "outgrowing" the auto modes and dipping into the aperture priorityand other modes to get a certain style. I look at pictures that were taken on auto mode that I like and look at the settings that the camera chose and try to replicate them on one of the manual modes.

Take pictures of everything and you will soon find out the type of styles you are good at and the styles you like.

Most of all enjoy it

And join the 52 for20 23 if you haven't already it was a bit of a struggle for me but worth it, you learn a lot from others pics on the same theme
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Lovely fungi shot!

Thanks Paul, I was showing some of my snaps to another 'togger and he said it would look good in B and W ...... and it does I think
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Can't put my finger on it but there is something about this shot that I like

Yachts by John, on Flickr
It's nice to see other beginners having such success. Gives me hope for me and my daughter when we start, well, more me than her, just need to decide on a camera first.
It's nice to see other beginners having such success. Gives me hope for me and my daughter when we start, well, more me than her, just need to decide on a camera first.

Thanks Ben, I spent most of the first 18 months on auto, and when I "needed" a particular shot I was able to understand more of what I was doing