Tracer's 52 for 2010 (part 2) - FINAL Week 52 - "Together"

(y) Very clever idea.

As Chris said it's hard to offer C&C on the pics because they're so small in the frame, but the pp is excellent. Really effective and I think you've picked a good subject for the concept.

I've yet to try "machine gun mode" on my camera, but I'll have to give it a go after seeing these.
I think you've done a really good job with the triptych framing. A nice idea well put together. My only quibble is the third frame is a little unclear, but that's a problem with having to keep each frame small.
I love this - and the three pictures are just as they would be if you'd shot them on film - ie no opportunity to delete the one where the bird had flown away. It's easy to forget what film photography was like in the pre-digi days. :LOL: For me the merit in this is the concept and the execution of the idea, rather than the actual photos on the film. :clap::clap::clap:

My only slight niggle is that Kodak Gold isn't trannie film, but in the context of a brilliant idea it's totally forgiveable, and it definitely gets my (y) :)

Thats a nice triptych and looks well put together, what were you missing on elements? Its difficult to critique the sharpness as the pictures are quite small once added to the frame. I had to laugh at your "machine gun" i bet the poor bugger left a blob of white on the floor too:LOL:
Thank you Chris. The main problem for me was that all the film strip effect plugins were for much later versions of PSE so I had to do it manually. There is is no warp filter and I can't adjust the drop shadow in my version. However since I don't normally do this kind of stuff I don't feel the need to upgrade.

oh that's clever, I like it !

A clever idea, and well put together, even if you did scare the poor thing in the process
Thank you, JL and John. Fortunately I didn't scare it away for very long. The birds empty the feeder within a few hours.
(y) Very clever idea.

As Chris said it's hard to offer C&C on the pics because they're so small in the frame, but the pp is excellent. Really effective and I think you've picked a good subject for the concept.

I've yet to try "machine gun mode" on my camera, but I'll have to give it a go after seeing these.
Thank you Sarah. I usually forget I have continuous shooting available but it comes in quite handy occasionally. The first time I used it it gave me a fright!
I think you've done a really good job with the triptych framing. A nice idea well put together. My only quibble is the third frame is a little unclear, but that's a problem with having to keep each frame small.
Thank you Darren. Even in the original the bird is a bit unclear because it has flown out of focus.
Well done, Tracer. That is a very clever take on the theme. I would probably have cloned out the little bit of tree down the lefthand side, but that is a minor point.

Thank you Jenny. I thought of cloning or cropping out the tree, but I deliberately left it in to help the effect of the changing frames, if you see what I mean!
I love this - and the three pictures are just as they would be if you'd shot them on film - ie no opportunity to delete the one where the bird had flown away. It's easy to forget what film photography was like in the pre-digi days. :LOL: For me the merit in this is the concept and the execution of the idea, rather than the actual photos on the film. :clap::clap::clap:

My only slight niggle is that Kodak Gold isn't trannie film, but in the context of a brilliant idea it's totally forgiveable, and it definitely gets my (y) :)

Thank you Jean. My husband made the same objection! It was the only decent free template that I could find - originally I intended to change it to black but thought it would get lost among the dark backgrounds. Artistic licence ;) :LOL:
Its all been said above Tracer but (y) from me. The idea, execution and creativity are very well executed, good PP skills too. Iain
Week 38 - "Dirty"


I have to hang my head in shame....this is my poor bicycle :shake:. The shot is of the chainring - the OOF mucky lump at top left is the front changer.

I've been putting off dealing with it until I get some replacement components - only trouble is that I can't make up my mind what to get. It has been sitting in the shed for a couple of months with a burst tyre, hence the cobweb. I'm using another bike at the moment but it is not so nice to ride.

At least it came in handy for this week's theme!

Cyclist among you may recognise this set-up as a 1/2 step triple, i.e. the top and middle rings are close together in size, while the third is a granny gear that can get me up most things. The frame is nearly 30 years old which makes it harder to find compatible least that's my excuse :D.

Edit: Darren (dlh) suggested desaturating or even converting to mono



I'm not really sure which of the three I prefer :shrug:.
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As Sue says - good use of DOF and fits the theme well. The cobwebs add to the un-used feel. Time to give your bike some tlc though!
I understand that you've taken this to keep some symmetry but I actually want to see more of the derailleur. I'd like to see a slight desaturation as well to give the image a little age, or perhaps even a high contrast b&w. Not that I don't like your image, because I do :)
Really good use of DOF and bang on theme, the extra red in the background helps set it off
Dirty- Good shot this week.It does look dirty and I like the DOF.
Than you Sue

As Sue says - good use of DOF and fits the theme well. The cobwebs add to the un-used feel. Time to give your bike some tlc though!
Thank you JL - I know, I know....

I understand that you've taken this to keep some symmetry but I actually want to see more of the derailleur. I'd like to see a slight desaturation as well to give the image a little age, or perhaps even a high contrast b&w. Not that I don't like your image, because I do :)
Thank you Darren. I didn't include more of the derailleur as I had earlier wiped the outer cage clean, so that it looked too shiny for the rest of the pic! I did desaturate it a bit, but here are a couple more versions:



Not sure which I like best.
Bang on theme this week, Tracer. I love the colours and the DOF. I am glad you told us what it was. I would not have had a clue.


Really good use of DOF and bang on theme, the extra red in the background helps set it off

Thank you Jenny and Darren

good work and like the dof, but that bike needs a little tlc, gegreaser will help a treat.
Thank you David. It needs more than degreaser, I'm afraid - new block, chain, rear mech, maybe front rings, as well as a new back tyre and inner :eek:.

Like Jenny, I wouldn't have known what it was but it works well as an image, and it certainly looks dirty enough to fit the theme. :)

I hope you can get it sorted out soon.

Thank you Jean. It is such a messy job that I keep procrastinating - and I haven't sourced all the parts yet.
I like the shot exactly as presented - there's something very appealing about crisp photos of sections of mechanical objects!

I like the shot exactly as presented - there's something very appealing about crisp photos of sections of mechanical objects!


I'm with Phil on this one, its a sharp, well lit shot which is on theme. A little abstract which makes for an interesting image. Iain
I'm gonna agree with Phil... it works great for the theme, even if it did take months of neglect just so you could get your shot :D... I like it.
I like the shot exactly as presented - there's something very appealing about crisp photos of sections of mechanical objects!


I'm with Phil on this one, its a sharp, well lit shot which is on theme. A little abstract which makes for an interesting image. Iain

Thank you Phil and Iain

I'm gonna agree with Phil... it works great for the theme, even if it did take months of neglect just so you could get your shot :D... I like it.
Thank you John. Of course, that is the real reason I put off doing anything about it! (I'm only half joking :eek:)
Week 39 - "Rage"


Tyrannosaurus glasguensis furiosus

Found in Kelvingrove museum. Apparently some recent research suggests that these were not nearly as fierce as we've believed, but I didn't wait to find out! :exit:

The crop is tight to avoid a messy background, and I have applied a little selective zoom to try and give a sense of movement.
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I really like that - colour treatment, sense of movement, composition and a clever take on the theme!

Thank you JL, Phil, Sue and Jenny. I think this is the third time that the museum has come to my rescue!
:eek::eek::eek: I thought I'd comment on your Rage photo, Tracer, but Posts 139 to 150 missing. I don't know if it's my computer playing up, or whether the hamster's chewed them up. :( ;)

I'll try again tomorrow. :)


EDIT - I had another go and eventually got your TGF to show his face! Sorry for the irrelevant post!
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I couldn't see your Rage photo in the thread, but it's now appeared in the Reply to Thread screen. :eek: :)

That's a really good take on the theme, Tracer. The pp'ing and the zoom add to the drama. He certainly looks in a rage about something - I hope it wasn't aversion to being photgraphed. :D

btw - I love his name! :LOL:

Great idea and well put together. The angle works well and keeps the background nice and clean. The added zoom/blur gives it a real sense of movement and inyourfaceness (if that makes sense :)).
I couldn't see your Rage photo in the thread, but it's now appeared in the Reply to Thread screen. :eek: :)

That's a really good take on the theme, Tracer. The pp'ing and the zoom add to the drama. He certainly looks in a rage about something - I hope it wasn't aversion to being photgraphed. :D

btw - I love his name! :LOL:

Thank you Jean. He was probable cross because a party of primary school children walked past him and ignored him completely. :D

ohh very nice, great angle and colouring ;)

Great idea and well put together. The angle works well and keeps the background nice and clean. The added zoom/blur gives it a real sense of movement and inyourfaceness (if that makes sense :)).

cool shot Tracer, looks almost like an xray, The zoom works well i think and gives it a unique kind of 3D look. Not sure about its raging credentials but if i came across it i'd be running a mile.
Thank you Dade, Darren and Chris. I'm glad that the zoom works for you too - I felt the original shot was slightly lacking.
Another interesting take on the theme.

I like the colouring of this and it fits the theme well. I'm not sure about the movement bit though :thinking:

Excellent (y) a good spot... the angle and slight blur really add to it, as does the processing... I'm with you, they might not be as aggressive as believed, but I wouldn't hang around to find out ;)
Another interesting take on the theme.

I like the colouring of this and it fits the theme well. I'm not sure about the movement bit though :thinking:


Excellent (y) a good spot... the angle and slight blur really add to it, as does the processing... I'm with you, they might not be as aggressive as believed, but I wouldn't hang around to find out ;)

Thank you, Andy and John.