How would you improve these???

Marcos James

I've Got Orsum Mates..
Marcos James
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I am looking for some serious feedback on these please. This is the first time I have done anything in a studio and would like to do some more, although the thought of keeping a 17 month old in check again may be a bit off putting.



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The lighting is good for the look you were going for. Your skin tones are a little too bias towards magenta so need that pulling back. The hand position in the first is unfortunate but good eye contact and expression. The second would have been a cracker without the bottle but even so, something very pure abou it anyway. I'm not overly keen on the crop or comp of the last but that's subjective.

Definately a good start and alot better than many first time studio shots I've seen... Well done...
Hey, I like the 2nd one mate, maybe would have liked to have a bit more at the bottom but the lighting looks good.

One thing I have noticed though, in the first two I can just make out the outline where you've nuked the background. Maybe try and over expose the BG a bit more with the light? (Listen to me giving this advice when I know damn well that I can't get that spot on either!) :LOL:
Definately a good start and alot better than many first time studio shots I've seen... Well done...

Thanks for that Tony, gives me something to work on.

I think that they're fantastic, really like them. Amazed that it was your first time!

I'd done loads of other photography before but never in a studio, working out where is best to put the lighting seems to take an age. :thinking:

the second shot is just lovely for your first time. what was the lighting set up?


Thanx Jo, two lights one either side of me, creating just over a 90 degree angle between them. The another 90 degrees to me on the left shining at the wall behind. All on half power but perhaps with the background coming out very grey think I may need to up the power on the one shining at the wall.

Hey, I like the 2nd one mate, maybe would have liked to have a bit more at the bottom but the lighting looks good.

One thing I have noticed though, in the first two I can just make out the outline where you've nuked the background. Maybe try and over expose the BG a bit more with the light? (Listen to me giving this advice when I know damn well that I can't get that spot on either!) :LOL:

Thanks Jon, wasn't until you said that I can see a bit of a grey halo on the second shot. But think I hadn't got the light on the wall on enough power. Unless anyone comes in now and tells me something different.
Very impressed for a first time studio-er!

Nice catchlights in eyes, not too much spill from background (can see a little on #2 I think).

Being very picky, I think you could try a different B&W white conversion on the third. Not sure exactly what thought, just know I've seen nicer B&W skin tones. Maybe try messing around with curves.
i like them if i could do just as well id be happy ..never worked with a white back ground yet so might be worth a go ..but i do like the shots there is a bit of backgroud spill on number 2 but it would take a tog to see it i think so overall

no 1 the hand looks like its been photoshoppe for some reason

no 2 slight background spill but looks good

no 3 ould do with a bit of work on the lips it looks like hes got something stuck on them

but overall good shots

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Very impressed for a first time studio-er!

Nice catchlights in eyes, not too much spill from background (can see a little on #2 I think).

Being very picky, I think you could try a different B&W white conversion on the third. Not sure exactly what thought, just know I've seen nicer B&W skin tones. Maybe try messing around with curves.

Thanx for the advice on the b&w conversion, will have a play.

i like them if i could do just as well id be happy ..never worked with a white back ground yet so might be worth a go ..but i do like the shots there is a bit of backgroud spill on number 2 but it would take a tog to see it i think so overall

no 1 the hand looks like its been photoshoppe for some reason

no 2 slight background spill but looks good

no 3 ould do with a bit of work on the lips it looks like hes got something stuck on them

but overall good shots


Thanx for the comments. (y)
Great first studio shoot.
I fiddled with it a little.
Tweaked the tone curve, cloned out some hair and a bit of fluff, lightened the lines under his eyes and around his mouth, tweak the saturation and brightness of his hair.
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