Workshop Warrington Studio Meet 19th July

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Following on from a successful group meet last week, I am going to arrange another evening with models.

The idea of the group meet is to bring together 6 photographers of different levels to work together, this will not be led by anyone but gives everyone the chance to input and to hopefully take away something from the session; but if you come along with ideas of what you would like to achieve we can assist you with setups.

I have arranged two models who will pose and be willing to be directed to help you get the shot you are after.

Date: 19th July 2012
Location: The studio is located in Woolston, Warrington.
Times: 18:30 - 21:30
Cost: £25
Payment: via paypal (drop me a message to send payment)
Models: Mark Cunningham ( and Laura Moffatt (

I will be also arranging the following session:
30th August: lingerie/glamour model

If you need any more information drop me a message. Thanks
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I'm in.
Me please
Places Taken:
1- SJ Robbins
2- Chizz-gb
3- RSMarco
4- Fulhair
5- Boynielaad
6- CheshireCarl
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Im in please :)
Not on the list! :(

Different models if possible (no issue if not) :)
Different would be preferable, I thought the plan was one male one female for this one?
Hi all,
I'm very interested in learning flash photography especially portrait images with a speedlight off camera etc. If this session will introduce me to this and allow me to discuss and try, I would like to pencil myself in on this session. I just need to confirm I can finish work a little earlier.

You can see my gear list below of which I already have a 580EX II but that is it. I'm thinking of purchasing a set of triggers and stand etc so if items like this will be available to try it would be very much appreciated.

How much does it cost to hire studio/ models?
Hi all,
I'm very interested in learning flash photography especially portrait images with a speedlight off camera etc. If this session will introduce me to this and allow me to discuss and try, I would like to pencil myself in on this session. I just need to confirm I can finish work a little earlier.

You can see my gear list below of which I already have a 580EX II but that is it. I'm thinking of purchasing a set of triggers and stand etc so if items like this will be available to try it would be very much appreciated.


Let me know and i will add you to the list, cheers
Is it your studio that's running this?

I'd be very interested in this as a total studio, lighting and portrait noob.

As I've only just got my new gear and have no flashes, is it relevant to me? ie; will I be able to use the lighting in the studio?


Due to new regulations being discussed by TP admin staff, these sort of threads might be limited, so to tie in with something i was already planning, i will advertise these evenings via Facebook.

I will add a link to the Facebook page so that you can view for future events.
Due to new regulations being discussed by TP admin staff, these sort of threads might be limited, so to tie in with something i was already planning, i will advertise these evenings via Facebook.

I will add a link to the Facebook page so that you can view for future events.

Bleh, facebook :-( I thought most photographers were abandoning facebook due to some recent changes? Something about needing to pay to his all your "fans" or something.
Carlo - ever thought of using Google Plus? For me it's a better system, and not as full of people wanting to share their latest toilet habits to all and sundry!
Bleh, facebook :-( I thought most photographers were abandoning facebook due to some recent changes? Something about needing to pay to his all your "fans" or something.

well it might be to facebook or to webpage for group meets.

wasnt aware of any mass change that would affect facebooks usage.
well it might be to facebook or to webpage for group meets.

wasnt aware of any mass change that would affect facebooks usage.

This was one of the things I noticed:

I don't use Facebook myself (or G+ anymore) so not sure what the change actually was.
Carlo - ever thought of using Google Plus? For me it's a better system, and not as full of people wanting to share their latest toilet habits to all and sundry!

I only really use the Facebook page for my photography alongside my website

I'd be very interested in this as a total studio, lighting and portrait noob.

As I've only just got my new gear and have no flashes, is it relevant to me? ie; will I be able to use the lighting in the studio?




I have a good selection of lighting, soft boxes and reflectors that you would be able to use, you come with ideas and try to create them, working as a team with others and using their guidance.

as long as you are shooting sony/nikon or canon, i have adaptors to suit your camera.

If you are interested let me know and will add your details.

donkeymusic said:
Due to new regulations being discussed by TP admin staff, these sort of threads might be limited, so to tie in with something i was already planning, i will advertise these evenings via Facebook.

I will add a link to the Facebook page so that you can view for future events.

The advertise but in bold....that was the point I was making via pm, and the reason we are looking at it. So is it advertising or is it doing fellow members a favour?
It would be a shame, if this sort of group meet disappeared from the forum. Having been on one of these evenings already, the £25 fee can barely cover the costs of the models x2, electric and the aforementioned digestives, tea / coffee.
chizz-gb said:
It would be a shame, if this sort of group meet disappeared from the forum. Having been on one of these evenings already, the £25 fee can barely cover the costs of the models x2, electric and the aforementioned digestives, tea / coffee.

Without wishing to start an argument, you don't know what was discussed or wasn't.

We have paying advertisers who promote their studio and their business and pay to do so, it's not fair that other studio owners dont pay to do so.

I was discussing this via pm with the OP but had not come to any decision on it
Nobody asked, and I've only been here five minutes, but I'll give my 2p anyway :)

I think bolding the word "advertising" doesn't really mean anything - the term isn't just a commercial thing - to quote Google's definition: "Describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance."

The event itself is something everyone gains from, but I think any gain Carlo gets is indirect and secondary to the "advertising" on here. Sure, Carlo may end up with a couple of quid in his back pocket after the event, but take off expenses for tea/coffee etc, his time finding reliable models etc and I'd hazard a guess he's making a net loss. The real gain (in my mind) that Carlo gets from this, apart from helping the community, is there's now a set of local photographers that know he has a studio that can be hired, that he does decent children's photography and that he's a nice geezer; so if I knew anyone that needed any of the above, I'd certainly point them in his direction.

To flip it another way, if I decided to organise this and I rented Carlo's studio for the event, even if he gave me "mates rates", could I rent the studio, hire 2 models and put on refreshments for £150? Not a chance.

I understand the concern over things like this on the forums, as it's a relatively fine line between covering costs/helping the community and running a commercial endeavour on here, but I think banning/clamping down on things like this will be a big loss - I for one got a lot out of the last session, and I'm looking forward to the next one.

It's the forum owner's/mod's decision at the end of the day, and I've no wish to argue against that, but that's my 2p on what the event is and is not having already been to one.
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and I'd hazard a guess he's making a net loss.

The real gain (in my mind) that Carlo gets from this, apart from helping the community, is there's now a set of local photographers that know he has a studio that can be hired,

Don't Tesco's et al call that a loss leader ;)
we are not planning to ban or clamp down and we dont want to ban these sorts of events from the forums as they are good for everyone, we are TRYING to be fair to our existing paying advertisers who pay to advertise studio days. Where is the line between this thread and the banner advert for a studio day? Its a commercial venture, we dont know what is being made from these and have to try and figure out a fair rate that we think a studio can charge before it becomes a commercial activity. we all know a model can be hired for a copy of pictures on CD, or for £30, or the promise of fame and fortune.

There have been a lot of studio owners pimping FOC, and that has to stop.

I did actually say to the OP that any charge was still under discussion and it would be minimal, and it would also be on a thread by thread basis.

Members clubbing together to book a studio is great and we are all for that

if anyone bothers to read the sticky at the top, they will find that it says:

Due to the increasing number of members who are charging and profiting from studio meets days, we have decided to introduce a new sub-forum for Studio Meets.

The criteria for this forum is that anyone who stands to make a profit from such a thread will have to pay to post it here.
We will moderate each thread, so if you're not sure, post it and we'll look at it for you.

If youre a studio owner or a model and wish to promote a photography day, please use the Contact Us function and we'll discuss it with you.

Please note, any studio found using a member's account to promote their studio will have their thread removed and account possibly suspended.

that cant be clearer, we want to support these days but we need to be fair to our paying advertisers as well as our members. we could just a blanket rate on this but we havent even done that. TBH im disappointed that the OP has chosen to mention it in thread rather than wait and see what was decided.
Don't Tesco's et al call that a loss leader ;)

No :) Although maybe once Carlo has us all hooked on this studio shooting malarkey he'll hike the prices up like a pusher ;-)

I have a good selection of lighting, soft boxes and reflectors that you would be able to use, you come with ideas and try to create them, working as a team with others and using their guidance.

as long as you are shooting sony/nikon or canon, i have adaptors to suit your camera.

If you are interested let me know and will add your details.



Please book me a place. I'll send a PM shortly.


we are not planning to ban or clamp down and we dont want to ban these sorts of events from the forums as they are good for everyone, we are TRYING to be fair to our existing paying advertisers who pay to advertise studio days. Where is the line between this thread and the banner advert for a studio day? Its a commercial venture, we dont know what is being made from these and have to try and figure out a fair rate that we think a studio can charge before it becomes a commercial activity. we all know a model can be hired for a copy of pictures on CD, or for £30, or the promise of fame and fortune.

There have been a lot of studio owners pimping FOC, and that has to stop.

I did actually say to the OP that any charge was still under discussion and it would be minimal, and it would also be on a thread by thread basis.

Members clubbing together to book a studio is great and we are all for that

if anyone bothers to read the sticky at the top, they will find that it says:

that cant be clearer, we want to support these days but we need to be fair to our paying advertisers as well as our members. we could just a blanket rate on this but we havent even done that. TBH im disappointed that the OP has chosen to mention it in thread rather than wait and see what was decided.
Yes, this is a difficult one and, as an advertiser, I do get a bit pe'ed off at some of the obvious spam postings and 'recommendations' that get posted.

But Carlo is a beginner in studio lighting who is hosting these studio sessions for other beginners - from the posts, it's clear that there is no instruction, no leadership, no profit and no potential for profit, so all that he is actually doing is sharing his facilities for the benefit of other members.

Lencarta is an advertiser who is providing paid studio instruction not many miles away from him, I don't feel that what he is offering will affect Lencarta in any way, so no harm done...
Yes, this is a difficult one and, as an advertiser, I do get a bit pe'ed off at some of the obvious spam postings and 'recommendations' that get posted.

But Carlo is a beginner in studio lighting who is hosting these studio sessions for other beginners - from the posts, it's clear that there is no instruction, no leadership, no profit and no potential for profit, so all that he is actually doing is sharing his facilities for the benefit of other members.

Lencarta is an advertiser who is providing paid studio instruction not many miles away from him, I don't feel that what he is offering will affect Lencarta in any way, so no harm done...

good shout Garry. I attended Carlo's studio meet a few weeks back and it was exactly as you anticipated above. I, for one, attended the meet with a view that i would prefer to 'try' the studio environment and bounce a few ideas around and see what other people were doing, how they were shooting / directing - but there certainly was no instruction from the organiser or attendees. Well, if there was.. it was well disguised :LOL:
good shout Garry. I attended Carlo's studio meet a few weeks back and it was exactly as you anticipated above. I, for one, attended the meet with a view that i would prefer to 'try' the studio environment and bounce a few ideas around and see what other people were doing, how they were shooting / directing - but there certainly was no instruction from the organiser or attendees. Well, if there was.. it was well disguised :LOL:

Blind leading the blind springs to mind :p