Hadada Ibis and Striated Heron, Bamburi Kenya

Just Dave

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A couple more birds from Bamburi Kenya, any thoughts



Nice pair again Dave, the first one is a very interesting looking bird, another new one on me, I saw a few of the small herons at the great lake, they were pretty good for getting close enough for a decent shot.
Keep em coming

Both really nice captures Dave, they look good caught against their differing habitats

Sharp and colourful (y)
Hi Dave I like them especially the second one, pin sharp and nice lighting (y) I will be looking for your safari ones when I get a chance, been crazy here for a few weeks now:bang:
The first I really like, the second is nice, but has a distracting background.
Nice to see some different birds Dave, especially in their usual environment
i think both shots capture the scene well, prefer the first one personally(y)
Really like the layered DoF in the first one, as the branches get further away. I also think that the tone and texture of the bird has been captured nicely.

I like the second too, looks like he's about to go for something. As Gary says you haven't got the nice seperation of subject and background that the first has, and the high contrast in the background also makes it distracting.
#2 is great because it shows the natural surroundings, I think this helps ten folds.

I'm undecided on #1, I think I would like to see the bird a little bit more isolated as some of the branches there are a tad distracting.

Still, great shots. (y)
#1 is a great looking bird and the DoF is spot on. It's a shame the Heron is so close to the background in #2 as it would have definately benefited from being isolated from the reeds.
Really like both but the first one shades it since its nicely isolated from the background! :)
Thanks very much everyone for your kind comments, yhink my favs the Straited Heron, he was sat there a long time before we even noticed him, as he blended in so well with the reeds