My Dog Barney

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Never posted anything before so thought i'd have a go.

New lens just trying it out in pretty low light late ish deep in the valleys lol, Minolta 70-210 3.5-4.5 post beercan on my A100.

He's a labrador x german shepherd and only 6 months old so its a nightmare to get him to sit still

Any comments welcome as im still learning a lot so go easy! :)




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Ha! Looks like a fantastic, lively chap. I love how happy he looks in #2 and the facial expression in #4 is quality. I knew somebody once who could pull that off. :LOL: (y)
Great set.
OK. Good things first, I really like the second! :D The rest are excellent in terms of exposure and DOF etc, however, the compositions and various bits like fences are a put of. And in the first, whatever is out of focus in front of the dog kills the shot.

Hi, my general observations are that the dog is nice and sharp, no problem there.

Though what you do need is a background that doesn't vie for attention with your subject.
Thanks very much for that, bit nervous puttin them up with some of the quality on here!

No need for nerves, the quicker you start posting, the quicker you will gather peoples thoughts, new techniques and new ideas. It's awesome :)

He looks great, super dog! :)

I like all the photos as well, they all capture him fantastically IMO. Apart from number 1 maybe, The lines of something across the frame make it less good.

The others are great though! :)
What everyone else has already said :)

It is helpful for people to comment if the pictures are numbered though.. This also separates them a bit.

Nothing to be worried about posting pictures like that. Are you happy with the lens?
I just think you need to think about composition a bit more (how your subject sits within the frame). e.g. in the third shot you have chopped his left leg off a bit. If you'd moved around to the right or stepped back, zoomed out a little, it would look better.
Thanks for the comments, i think the difficulty with a lively dog like him is to try and get a decent composition as hes always on the move! I need to think more about the environemt as well if i want some really decent shots as this was taken in my girlfriends messy terraced house garden. (she'd kill me for saying that! lol)

Ive added #'s to the pics as well, thanks for the tip there as well. :)

I might try and remove some of the 'clutter' from the pics to see what that turns out like.

Lens was originally bought for some motorsport shots at my local track so i thought i'd just try it out first with a few shots. Ive just picked up a 35-105 minolta lens which ive been using more than my 18-70mm kit lens.

Again, thanks for the replies. :)
Christ you can really see the Labrador in him, the expressions are just like my lab. He looks amazing.
What a lovely set of images. He's a really handsome pooch. (y)

The fence on number 1 is a little distracting but otherwise, good job.
Very acceptable captures of the dog - for me the backgrounds are messy and distracting - in particular the wire fence. Have you tried shooting in a different location?
Gorgeous dog.

Ditto what everyone else has said.

I am very often guilty of taking shots without thinking about the background and now force myself to walk around the subject and look beyond the subject to see what else will appear.

having said that, easier said than done from what you've said about his energy!
What a stunning looking dog, he's take the best of both breeds there!

I think #2 is the best straight portrait - that is a very nice shot. Maybe try the same thing but in portrait format so you can see more of his chest.

#3 & #4 are 'nearly' there. I would really like to see his paws still in the frame

#1 tbh this is one I would porbably bin due to the foreground.

Very acceptable captures of the dog - for me the backgrounds are messy and distracting - in particular the wire fence. Have you tried shooting in a different location?
Agree re: backgrounds
Beautiful dog, great photos technically, but lacking a bit in consideration to composition (although I guess you were concentrating more on trying out the technical aspects of your lens, so not to worry too much) (y)
The wire fencing kills the shots,sorry,JMO.........