
Edit My Images
Finally got round to playing with this photo that I had taken a wee while back.
Tried something a lot different from my usual thing with it so please let me know your thoughts on it.

Click for bigger please. (y)

Can't make my mind up.

I like the light detail on the face of the large building in the middle but I don't think that part of the photo has enough impact - I think a tighter crop would bring them out more.

I know the shot is about the clouds though and I wonder if there is too much sky above the clouds.
Thank you for taking the time to comment guys, I do appreciate it. (y)

@Boynielaad I agree with your comments about a tighter crop to bring out the building may make a nice shot but unfortunately I've had to crop a fair bit already to get this, had some unsightly houses in at the edge previously and cropping further may lose too much detail but I may give it a wee go and see how it looks.

@Mark Cheers, as I said in the original post it is a very new style of processing for me but one which I do like the end result of of so hopefully I'll try it a bit more.

@Alex Blimey , I was trying to get a sort of Adams style and to hear it has worked out to some degree makes it very worthwhile. I'll try to update with some different crops and see how they look.

Good cloud formation and mono really suits this shot. ;)
That is a great capture, It must have been cool to see with the naked eye.
Thanks all for your comments and opinions folks, I have tried some other crops being tighter on the building but they were extremely soft and lost any real detail. I'm definitely going to work a bit with this technique/processing and see if I can come up with some more in the same vein in future though.

I really love the tones in this image and the concept of the building being nicely illuminated and standing out but I think it's a bit lost in the overall image.

A larger focal length to bring the building up closer would of been good or else a crop if you where able to get away with it. I think as it is the composition is a little bit off-balance with there being a lot of dead space at the top and everything crammed into the bottom. I think with a little bit less off the top and a little bit more on the bottom the whole image would of been that bit more balanced and look less bottom heavy.
Cheers Mole, fair points about the building but I'm not overly bothered tbh, it was the clouds rolling in over the hills I was really trying to capture, only really noticed the building later and gave a wee bit of dodging in PP to bring it out.

May go back again and try for a closer shot of the building though to get a better look at it. (y)

As a shot of the clouds rolling in it looks great!
I think it's a grower. It has a lot to look at, the foreground is a touch dark obviously but I am not sure if it matters or not. A hard photo to crit!

Cheers biker, I can't see any haloing myself but if you click on the picture it will take you to a bigger version if that helps any. As for oversharpening it could well be, I'm very guilty of overdoing things in that respect, but working on it. (y)

Nice - I can see why one asked if it was HDR, but we've had some strange clouds recently as well. Some have had exactly that effect of outlining.

Not sure about how much sky is above the cloud, it unbalances the pic? but I love the way you've bought out the building.

Definitely one of those shots to try different PP things with though.
Cheers biker, I can't see any haloing myself but if you click on the picture it will take you to a bigger version if that helps any. As for oversharpening it could well be, I'm very guilty of overdoing things in that respect, but working on it. (y)


Ah, gotcha. ...I've Looked now... and ignore me!! :bonk: ...Nothing over sharpened in that larger one.

Must agree with Alex W. On initial view thought the same myself.
Very A.A .Cheers.
Sorry mate, but I don't know what to say. I know that's a really un-helpful comment but if I saw that I'd simply scroll past it without giving it a thought. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it doesn't appeal to me like some photos I look at do.