Taking Photos at Gigs

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Was reading the T&C's of The Forum (@ Mean Fiddler) where I am heading in April to a Porcupine Tree gig as I wanted to see what they said about cameras - it says no to "making unauthorised audio, video or photographic recordings" - so other than smuggling your kit in (& searching is normal in the current climate apparently) is there any way of getting permission to make "authorised recordings"? - Who would you contact? The gig promoter presumably?
If stopped in possession of a camera I presume they would refuse you entry with the camera or seize it? or do they just refuse you entry?
Anyone any experience of this? Wouldn't be keen on handing my camera to some neanderthall door geezer tbh (what would they do with it?) or not being able to get in to the gig?
Hope you can help ... Paul (y)
Best thing is to phone up the venue and ask m8.
I'm a photographer for my mates music website,he and i in the past have just got in contact with the band manager and just ask them,i'm actually going to ask porcupine tree if we can do the gig in preston too..I was told i had a photo pass for Ok Go..yet when we got there the band manager was being a wee bit arsey,there were some others there too and they had been waiting for ages to get in,we all got let in a few minutes before Ok Go came on but she forgot my AAA pass,they do tend to forget so my best advice is to keep reminding them.And if you dont have a pass its not worth bringing your camera as they will take it off you,but normally they just say to get it in your bag or they will take it.anyho heres the contact details..good luck :)

I'm a photographer for my mates music website,he and i in the past have just got in contact with the band manager and just ask them,i'm actually going to ask porcupine tree if we can do the gig in preston too..I was told i had a photo pass for Ok Go..yet when we got there the band manager was being a wee bit arsey,there were some others there too and they had been waiting for ages to get in,we all got let in a few minutes before Ok Go came on but she forgot my AAA pass,they do tend to forget so my best advice is to keep reminding them.And if you dont have a pass its not worth bringing your camera as they will take it off you,but normally they just say to get it in your bag or they will take it.anyho heres the contact details..good luck :)


Very helpful Elaine - I have emailed their manager & will post back what happens (?) If you get anywhere yourself by other means perhaps you could let me know? I have tickets for Blackfield as well so I'll try to find out who to contact for them too ... Paul (y)
Very helpful Elaine - I have emailed their manager & will post back what happens (?) If you get anywhere yourself by other means perhaps you could let me know? I have tickets for Blackfield as well so I'll try to find out who to contact for them too ... Paul (y)

Manager of Porcupine Tree has replied to my email already :eek:
Thanks for writing. London shows are always the most difficult, as almost all of the allotted photo passes are given to press by the record label, so it’s unlikely I’ll have an extra for this show. However, I do appreciate you writing to inquire on the band’s policy, so if you email me a few weeks before the show, I’ll see if it’s possible
So I expect I'll blow out but you never know I could be lucky (y)
One thing to remember when photographing gigs is that the promoters enforce quite strict rules, the two most important being no flash and the second is that usually the 'togs are only allowed to photograph the first three numbers. If that is the case make sure you get plenty of shots in your allotted time span.

Good luck with it and remember to check and re-check your settings (having learnt by painful experience). :D :bang: :D
One thing to remember when photographing gigs is that the promoters enforce quite strict rules, the two most important being no flash and the second is that usually the 'togs are only allowed to photograph the first three numbers. If that is the case make sure you get plenty of shots in your allotted time span.

Good luck with it and remember to check and re-check your settings (having learnt by painful experience). :D :bang: :D

Thanks H - If I get the thumbs up on this I will be back for more advice :eek:
Last time I used a camera at a gig was when I had a film slr at a Motorhead show at Queens University Belfast (as long as you weren't carrying a machine-gun you could take anything in!)
Paul ;)
All you need is a fastish lens, up the ISO and try and get some unusual angles which are a bit different from the norm. If you're at the front of the stage use a wide angle and stick your arm underneath a guitarist to shoot upwards, if you are crouching down the chances are they won't notice or if they do they may well play up to the camera.

here are a couple of examples...



And try and get some of the whole band, from the wings if possible..


I realise these were taken at an outdoor gig but the principle is the same.
Crackin' stuff there H - I remember seeing them in the summer - No1 is amazing but I doubt I'll be able to get that close at a fairly big indoor venue?
Anyway I haven't even go a pass yet so mustn't get carried away ... Paul (y)
Manager of Porcupine Tree has replied to my email already :eek:

So I expect I'll blow out but you never know I could be lucky (y)

Aww theres still hope yet,sometimes we havent had our passes till a couple of days before the gig.Then sometimes when we travel down to manchester to acadamey,they say we are not put down on the list..tis a very disheartening buisness :crying:
But its fun :) Still need to get intouch with my mate about getting some tickets for the gig,hes been so busy and not updated his website since last summer eep :(
Even if we don't i'll still get the tickets as they are an awesome band (y)
Even if we don't i'll still get the tickets as they are an awesome band
Elaine - Absolutely! Have been a fan since my oldest son (who has all PT & Steven Wilson's solo stuff) introduced me to them ...
I have the "Arriving Somewhere ..." DVD and they look / sound awesome (one of the best live DVD's I have & I have nearly 100)
Getting in with the camera would be a bonus but its them I want to see
Going to see Blackfield too (another SW band)
Rock on! Paul (y)
Elaine - Absolutely! Have been a fan since my oldest son (who has all PT & Steven Wilson's solo stuff) introduced me to them ...
I have the "Arriving Somewhere ..." DVD and they look / sound awesome (one of the best live DVD's I have & I have nearly 100)
Getting in with the camera would be a bonus but its them I want to see
Going to see Blackfield too (another SW band)
Rock on! Paul (y)

Aye, my best mate Andy got me onto these guys..Lazarus was the first song he showed me and since then i've been hooked..went to see them last year at manchester acadamy..first band i have seen who's fans just stood there enjoyed the music instead of getting wasted and crowd surfing and throwing drinks over you..i had to miss the last few songs as i had to catch a train..not this time :D Ps does your son have the transmission/moonloop unedited improvisation cd? all 40mo7s of pure bliss :love:
Hope you do get the pass..shall know alot of people who will be very jealous..
all the best \M/ \M/ rock on!!! :)
Aye, my best mate Andy got me onto these guys..Lazarus was the first song he showed me and since then i've been hooked..went to see them last year at manchester acadamy..first band i have seen who's fans just stood there enjoyed the music instead of getting wasted and crowd surfing and throwing drinks over you..i had to miss the last few songs as i had to catch a train..not this time :D Ps does your son have the transmission/moonloop unedited improvisation cd? all 40mo7s of pure bliss :love:
Hope you do get the pass..shall know alot of people who will be very jealous..
all the best \M/ \M/ rock on!!! :)

Elaine - No he doesn't have the cd you mentioned (a bit too "out there" for him he says) but he does have a lot of other PT stuff & Steve Wilson's other sidelines like Blackfield ; No-Man & Bass Communion (the last two of which are more improv / ambient if you prefer that?) - Do you have the DVD btw coz you're missing out big time if you haven't ... Paul (y)
PS - There's a new PT cd coming out middle of 2007 :D
I don't have it but when my mate andy gets it back from someone i'm first inline to watch it :D
Btw who did you ask about photographing on that link i gave you,i'm gonna try and ask now..as i dont have a website or anything to use this time so its just going to be for personal use and extra bumpage to my portfolio.
My mate actually booked them as she asked on a forum im involved with and even i was surprised with the amout of people that said book them :)
But she says all places for signed bands go to in house photographers..i'm hoping my charm can win them over :(
Btw who did you ask about photographing on that link i gave you,i'm gonna try and ask now..as i dont have a website or anything to use this time so its just going to be for personal use and extra bumpage to my portfolio.

I emailed their manager Andy Leff HERE who also manages Blackfield if you were going to see them too (?)
Paul ;)
Hehe cheers..sorry i was having a blonde moment :bonk:
Let me know if you have any luck :)