The23rdMan's 52 2010. Week 1 - Curves!

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This will be my first full year togging so I thought I'd joinin the fun. I've learnt ever such a lot this year and hope this will help to streeeetch me even further. I'll be following along Simon's themes like many others.

As others have said, feel free to comment and crit as we go. I'll try to keep uo with as many of you as possible too.

Happy New Year!
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Here's my very 1st 52 shot.

Taken with Tamron SP 35-80 f/2.8-3.5 manual focus lens. Flash off camera left at 1/8th power and 105mm fired through a 5 inch snoot with full blue gel and a rather technical drap of tissue paper to diffuse it a little.

Camera right is my homemade lightbox acting as a reflector.

I like it - the lighting is good, the texture of the wood has come out nicely too and plenty of curves in the eggcups (y)

Incidentally - I'd change the thread title to include 'Week 1 - Curved' - then more people may come in expecting to see a shot :)
Hi Dean!
Good to see another new face on the 52s

Quick tip, when you're updating your thread with your shot, it's a good idea to change the thread title to include the week no. and theme :)
There are so many of us now, that I've found myself scanning down the page looking for "week1" or "curved" - I'm sure lots of others will be doing the same.

And I'm so glad that I didn't miss this one!
Love it :love:
Beautiful colours and the wooden floor's worked a treat. Just shiny enough for the barest hint of a reflection.
The eggcups made me smile . . . really cute little feet and plenty of curves.

At first glance I thought maybe it was a touch too dark, but going back and looking at it a second time I think that actually works really well.

EDIT : The phone rang mid-type and I see Nick beat me to it re: thread titles!
Thank you both for your tips and comments. Yes, I wondered about how light/dark to play it too, but felt any lighter and the snooted light was too harsh.
Hi I'm agreeing with Nick and Sarah on this it is a very well lit shot and I think if it was lighter the dark floor's colours would not be as rich as they are I wouldn't have thought these coulours would compliment each other so well (y) from me. Out of interest what lighting did you use?
Nice one, for me a little dark as well, perhaps a saturation kick before lightening? That way you save the colours maybe...

Hi I'm agreeing with Nick and Sarah on this it is a very well lit shot and I think if it was lighter the dark floor's colours would not be as rich as they are I wouldn't have thought these coulours would compliment each other so well (y) from me. Out of interest what lighting did you use?

Ta! The lighting set-up is as described in the original post, mate.

Very nice, don't have anything else to add I'm afraid - which has gotta be a good thing.

Thank. :)

Nice one, for me a little dark as well, perhaps a saturation kick before lightening? That way you save the colours maybe...


It's actually desaturated, Arthur. That's partly how I got the wood that shade.
good composition, but a little dark for me
Ta! The lighting set-up is as described in the original post, mate.

Damn it. I thought I was carrying it off quite well that I knew what I was talking about up till then!
Okay, here's another version with a slight levels tweak.
Yup - more depth, I like :D
Hmm, I prefer the light levels in the first, but I'd like to see it with a snats more warmth, slight white balance change. I love the idea and composition.
Hmm, I prefer the light levels in the first, but I'd like to see it with a snats more warmth, slight white balance change. I love the idea and composition.

Thanks. :) The white balance is as I wanted it, which is why I shot the flash through the blue gel. Wanted to alter the colour of the floor so it was closer to the egg cups.
Thanks. :) The white balance is as I wanted it, which is why I shot the flash through the blue gel. Wanted to alter the colour of the floor so it was closer to the egg cups.

Hmm, I really should have thought of that. I was out photographing snow yesterday, I'm now obsessed with moving the white balance slider to the right :bonk:
Go easy with that hammer, mate, or you'll have no head to think with. ;)
I like Mk II (y)
Great start Dean, very well done, I like it. I think, although I'm not 100% I prefer the original
Thanks, guys. I tried my first idea for week 2 last night, but it was an epic fail. Back to the drawing board!
Thanks, Nattelie! ( I love the spelling of your name)
Great start!

Just about prefer the second one.

Thank you for describing your lighting.
I'm currently at the level where, if it's light enough my pop flash won't pop up and vice versa, so any tips like this are great to read.
Great start!

Just about prefer the second one.

Thank you for describing your lighting.
I'm currently at the level where, if it's light enough my pop flash won't pop up and vice versa, so any tips like this are great to read.

Thank you. Check out for everything you'll ever need to know. :)

I love those cups.....


so does my wife. Eggs never tasted so good. :)