Website Hosting Recommendations

James Betts
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Hi Guys & Girls,

Can anyone recommend a good webhost? I *need* to change as soon as possible. My current hosts are ****. They dont have 24/7 tech support, the service is more unreliable than a meth addict and their support team are just plain rude.

I need a fair amount of storage space, bandwidth and ram. Any recommendations?

Thanks in advance,

Thanks Mark, they dont sell much HDD space. I'll detail my needs a bit more.

I need *at least* 20gigs storage at a very minimum.

Bandwidth I need at least 200gigs per month, but again thats at a minimum.


Thanks Neil, but they're highest package falls far short of what I need.

They only offer 10GB storage / 150GB transfer. I need at the very minimum 20GB storage / 200GB transfer.

TSOHost all the way. I host around 6 sites with them and have had nothing but top notch service, support and uptime.
Thanks Neil, but they're highest package falls far short of what I need.

They only offer 10GB storage / 150GB transfer. I need at the very minimum 20GB storage / 200GB transfer.


It's simple, they just combine two pro packages, it will cost you £100 per year for what you require.

They are by far the best providers I have ever used and their support is superb!
Neil, Admirable, HybridUK - I've dropped tsohost a line, seeing if they can accommodate me, thanks.

Flossyrockstar - I've taken a look at them, and I too am worried about the whole 'unlimited' thing. Especially for such a low monthly price.

EDIT: - and whilst trying to get off of "justhosts" website - I started getting alert boxes and chat boxes warning me that I'm missing out on offers. Thats put me right off of justhost.

Regards, James
I use Hostgator for all my websites/projects

Good specs, price and support, couldn't ask for more

If you would like to see a couple of websites I have on there feel free to drop me a PM
Just had a reply from TSOHost (within a few minutes - impressed already)

They sent me details on a type of hosting they do called "Clustered hosting".

For £19 a month, I would get 100GB storage and 1000GB transfer. For 2/3rds the price I'm paying to receive 1/5th of that currently!

More info for those interested.

Keith & Sammy - I'll take a look at them too, thanks.

Thanks for your help guys.

Regards, James
Another happy TSO Host customer here!
HI Guys, To let you know I've signed up with TSO Host. Just in the process of downloading over 14,000 files before they all then get uploaded to TSO Host. Going to be a LONG night! haha

Thanks everyone,

TSOHost (y)

About time they offered TPle some discounts :)
Just had a reply from TSOHost (within a few minutes - impressed already)

They sent me details on a type of hosting they do called "Clustered hosting".

For £19 a month, I would get 100GB storage and 1000GB transfer. For 2/3rds the price I'm paying to receive 1/5th of that currently!

More info for those interested.

Keith & Sammy - I'll take a look at them too, thanks.

Thanks for your help guys.

Regards, James

Hi James,

Did you check out Hostgator?

You could have got all that and a lot more, no limits on bandwidth or space, for just £6.50 a month (£78 per year) (Prices are based on there Baby plan)

HI Guys, To let you know I've signed up with TSO Host. Just in the process of downloading over 14,000 files before they all then get uploaded to TSO Host. Going to be a LONG night! haha

Thanks everyone,


Another bonus with Hostgator is they would have moved your website for you, set it up on there service and made sure it was working, totally free of charge
The main thing that puts me off US hosting companys is you can't just pick up the phone and talk to them if there is a problem.
Tbh the debate about hosting all depends on what you are after.

If you want unlimited everything and cheap then you have to be aware that you will not get high level customer service, quality uptime or decent security... plus the traffic speeds will be capped... so you may have unlimited bandwidth but if your loads times are slower than a snail eating breakfast whats the point.

For a professional site/business you should put speed and security above cost and unlimited everything.

Host gator offer a lot... but then when the poop hits the fan they very regularly let customers down.

Site5 are a much better company that host gator and offer very similar prices.

But again, any shared hosting will suffer... you have one bad apple on that server cause a problem and if the server goes offline then all your work goes with it too.

Personally as a step up from shared you should look at a vps if its a business site.
Much less people on the server sharing resources and much better customer service.

A very good vps host (the do dedicated as well) is liquidweb... based in america but if you want to see how serious they are about uptime, speed and security do a google search, there is a LOT of information there.

They do not charge for support, are available 24/7, have a human you can call or chat to online, and if you need something done they will do it for you, for free!

I have slightly more than just a basic vps with them, but when we moved everything from oneandone dedicated servers to liquidweb they moved it all for us for free, setup the security and made the move soooo much easier for us that it took all the hassle away from moving servers.

Infact there wasnt even any downtime as they copied everything to their servers and then all we had to do was update our dns records and it switched over.

As google now includes speed as a factor in ranking sites it was a good move as one of our sites went from 8th to 6th in google for a highly ranked keyword. (just one example)

As always though, it all comes down to budget.
You get the best for what you can afford, just dont expect a lot for £50 a year from a webhost.
Indeed I did, but I'm always a little apprehensive with companies that say "unlimited" - because nothing in life is unlimited :p


indeed, if you dig into their (hostgator) terms of service you find:

8.) Bandwidth Usage
You are allocated a monthly bandwidth allowance. This allowance varies depending on the hosting package you purchase. Should your account pass the allocated amount we reserve the right to suspend the account until the start of the next allocation, suspend the account until more bandwidth is purchased at an additional fee, suspend the account until you upgrade to a higher level of package, terminate the account and/or charge you an additional fee for the overages. Unused transfer in one month cannot be carried over to the next month.

The TOS you referenced are in relation to Hostgators VPS, reseller and dedicated accounts. Shared hosting is unlimited

As James has said nothing in life is unlimited...

....However what you need to realise is that when hosting companies use the term "unlimited" it is just a marketing gimmick to get more customers, they know that for the most part 99% of customers wont even utilise a small percentage of there "unlimited" space and bandwidth.

As I said it is a marketing gimmick and if managed properly, as Hostgator does, then it can be a nice little earner for the hosting company.

And before someone comes up with the old unlimited/oversold argument - don't because it is bull

Just because a hosting company offers unlimited services doesn't mean that it is oversold or that you will have problems, if it is managed correctly you should have no problems.

Just to add that you could go to a hosting company that offers 2GB space & 20GB bandwidth @ £25 a month - are they better that a host that offers unlimited services? No, especially if they do not managed it correctly and in fact "oversell" there product.

Don't be dragged into the "unlimited/oversold" myth that any host offering that must be bad and that you will run into problems.

Research is key when deciding on who to host with
Well the average site on my servers uses around 4gb bandwidth a month and they are busy sites.

I guess i should start offering hosting for £1 for unlimited bandwidth as i know they will never use even a fraction of my resources.

Hostgator oversell, heart oversell, hundreds of the hosts oversell and ram the servers full of accounts in the hopes that people dont go over the resources, which most times they dont... however... get one of those sites cause a shutdown on the server and your site goes down too.