Prison van pics?

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You've all seen it on the tv, murderer in a van being driven from court and a photographer running alongside the van waving a camera at the closest window and firing shots off seemingly at random...

Now I've never seen an "inside the prison van" shot either on tv or in the press so why do these people bother? Is it just very difficult to get a good shot and hence they hardly ever appear?

Yes, I'm bored and watching the news!
You've probably seen quite a few pictures taken in that way. Some very widely used ones of the Yorkshire Ripper.

Pre-focus on about 1m, high f/number for depth of field, wide-angle, get the camera and flash as close to the window as possible and it will punch some light through the glass.
You must have photoshopped that Graham, Trencheel is never wrong.........:naughty:
I was watching a documentary on Beverley Allitt the other night. It was strange to look back in time when the criminal was driven away in a car. People used to be able to get right up to the car and bang on it whilst screaming abuse at the crim. Photographers could get good shots too. Never agreed with the blanket over the head though, why should they be allowed to hide their faces.:)

Lisa :)
...Never agreed with the blanket over the head though, why should they be allowed to hide their faces...

Because until they're actually found guilty - they're presumed innocent, maybe?
Because until they're actually found guilty - they're presumed innocent, maybe? are old fashioned Rob, the Daily Mail is the current J,J and E.
Only if the outcome is likely to have a detrimental effect on house prices in the South of England....

Of course, stupid me, I forgot that salient point. But it must be the immigrants fault all the same........;)
Because until they're actually found guilty - they're presumed innocent, maybe?

Yes, that makes sense I guess.

Firstly please remove the copyrighted picture (unless you have permission from Mercury....)

Prison van shots rarely work but when they do they are worth a fortune. I think someone got of pic of either Archer or Aitken on the way to prison, nice days work.
If there were other friendly snappers around the way we used to do it was to each agree on a window and if any of us got it we shared the pic. Got lots of nice pics of er nothing...;)

Way to do it is approx iso 800 or 1600, pre focus, F4 1/125 and flash on full power manual.
I think since the image displays the copyright info, we can assume it not FITPs...don't you?
Try £300 - that's the going-rate for most stuff - if it were an exclusive that all the papers were after then a LOT more: 'add-a-couple-of-zeros' more.

I was offered £15K for images of the Afghan policeman who shot and killed a bunch of soldiers while they were eating dinner last year...
Needless to say I was gutted that I had to refuse the offer...
Try £300 - that's the going-rate for most stuff - if it were an exclusive that all the papers were after then a LOT more: 'add-a-couple-of-zeros' more.

I was offered £15K for images of the Afghan policeman who shot and killed a bunch of soldiers while they were eating dinner last year...
Needless to say I was gutted that I had to refuse the offer...

Had to? why? :eek:

Had to? why?

Apologies if speaking out of turn here Rob, but Dave, as Rob is a serving Soldier as well as an "official" photographer for the Army, (I am sure there is a more technical term for this, and Rob will be along later to correct me) I can only assume that the photo's he takes whilst working in a military capacity are not strictly his when it comes to issues of copyright and what he may/may not do with them. :shrug:

Shame though as could have been one hell of a pee up for the lads.......
I've changed the mirror shot to a link.
Please do not hotlink A: Other people's photos, and/or B: Photos hosted on someone elses site

Cheers :)
No pics but I can describe the inside of the 'sweatboxes'. When I was a Prison Officer we would occasionally have to put a prisoner into the van whilst being restrained. [Poor bunnies didn't want to go to court or be transferred!]. The inside has a small corridor up the middle with a series of mini cells. Scrotes generally face forward, no seat belt, no loos, no tea, sweet FA and plenty of it.

When we had to put a prisoner on, bent up, as it was called, it was bloody hilarious. It takes three officers to bend a prisoner up but getting 4 people in a van whilst keeping control is a real skill. Unfortunately prisoners can get hurt during this process. Sad.

Unfortunately prisoners can get hurt during this process. Sad.


Shame... I hope the people who nicked my gear 3 months back get that treatment too!!!
Apologies if speaking out of turn here Rob, but Dave, as Rob is a serving Soldier as well as an "official" photographer for the Army, (I am sure there is a more technical term for this, and Rob will be along later to correct me) I can only assume that the photo's he takes whilst working in a military capacity are not strictly his when it comes to issues of copyright and what he may/may not do with them. :shrug:

Shame though as could have been one hell of a pee up for the lads.......

Pretty much...also those photos weren't taken by me either, but were (are - I still have copies) his ID photos from his Police Records...

It was so-oooooooo tempting...:shake:
Pretty much...also those photos weren't taken by me either, but were (are - I still have copies) his ID photos from his Police Records...

It was so-oooooooo tempting...:shake:

Perhaps I should post some of my stuff Rob....................;)

I still think about it - £15k was just the opening offer - I'm sure I could have bumped it up a bit...
As Edtog has put's technically easy...but there's a lot of little cells and you're very very lucky if you get the right one.

Of course, the GANS crew always share about. Not a fan of that with sport, but with news like's a necessity.