returnString's Photo52 2011 - Week 3

Well, here's my entry for week 1. :)

Weirdly enough I originally went out to take photos of the house, but that felt really uninspired and far too cliché. I then turned around and saw the chicken pen and something just clicked, the door alone seemed perfect for a more desolate and empty shot. However, seeing the chicken inside, well that just topped it off. I just wish that the beak didn't look so damned smudged.

Taken on a 1000D using a 50mm prime at 1.8. The exposure time was 1/90, and the ISO was set to 200. Post-processed in Lightroom.

Unfortunately, between college, work, and general stuff, I’ve had no time to get something together for the set theme of New this week. However, I’ve been covering our college’s production of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. This was actually my first experience of anything even remotely related to action shots, so it took a little bit of getting used to (ISO800? really?).

Full post here. :)


Finally I have got round to viewing your 52 thread, and apologies for not get here sooner. I notice I am the first to comment on both your first two weeks, I can only think that this has slipped past and people have not seen your thread, so hope this gives it a bit of a bump.

Congrats on actually getting your first two weeks.

Week 1: I like your take on the theme and indeed that was a lucky shot with the chicken coming out of the coop. I agree about the focus on the beak, as you mentioned.

Week 2: I like the action, motion and colours you have captured here. Even though you don't think it fits with the theme of New and doesn't really reflect any theme of New, I think that the fact you say it is your first experience of anything even remotely related to action shots is NEW in itself. So I think it would apply here.

Good luck with the rest of you project and I will pop past again to see how you are getting on.

Hopefully there will be others here shortly to offer their comments.


Dawn :)
Really like your Week 1 shot of the Chicken. I don't think it matter too much about the beak as the eye is spot on.
Week 2 is a really good action shot - lots going on, and I agree with Dawn, being your first experience of taking action shots it certainly fits in with the 'new' theme.
i can i say i love your hen... there something about the way you captured it just as she is exiting... beautiful colours. and as for the action shot, recommended clicking through to the larger version. good openings for the year.
Great pair of pics.

Week 1 - very impressive shot, full of life and character. A bit soft for me, which I think is mainly due to the very narrow DOF. I would like to have whole of chicken's head in focus. Perhaps try putting the ISO up so you can use a narrower aperture to increase DOF?

Week 2 - another good shot, again full of life and movement. I'd be tempted crop to a more square format to lose some the left and right where not much is happening.
Really like week 1's shot. (y)

On week 2, you could also say that the play is currently being created and so could be called new. How did you get the fading to dark effect around the edges btw? I wanted to do something similar to my pic this week on photoshop but didnt know how. :help:
Week 1 - very impressive shot, full of life and character. A bit soft for me, which I think is mainly due to the very narrow DOF. I would like to have whole of chicken's head in focus. Perhaps try putting the ISO up so you can use a narrower aperture to increase DOF?
Thanks! Yeah, that's quite a good point, I'm a lot more comfortable with the ISO settings after covering the (badly lit) rehearsal so that's definitely something I'll consider in the future.

Really like week 1's shot. (y)

On week 2, you could also say that the play is currently being created and so could be called new. How did you get the fading to dark effect around the edges btw? I wanted to do something similar to my pic this week on photoshop but didnt know how. :help:
I used a fairly strong vignette in Lightroom, with an adjusted midpoint to help focus in on the two actors, and some extra roundness. And thanks. :)
I have Photoshop. Does anyone know hoe to get this effect with it>

So here’s week 3 of my Photo52 project. Again, I haven’t had the opportunity to set up something specifically for this theme, but it seemed very much like I was being forced into a particular style this week. High ISO shots like this lend themselves well to B&W conversions. :p

Still finding the 50mm f/1.8 awesome. This was taken at 1/90 and at ISO800.