Copy Me Lighting Thread 9

Michael A. Sewell
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Basically posted to refresh the "Follow me lighting technique" thread, as I believe it's a valuable resource :)

Something a little different this time. I had a brief meet with a fellow TP member who fancied a play with the Lencarta Safari kit, in a situation relevant to him. He basically needed to see if the Safari had enough grunt to overcome the ambient and give him the kind of image he was after.

Considering it was blowing a hooley :tumbleweed: and the gear was in danger of taking off, it was a rather rushed affair. 20 minutes in total, including shaking hands, exchanging pleasantries, setting up, fettling the lighting levels and then shooting enough till he was happy. After that I took a couple of shots just so I could say I'd actually done something :D

Single head at full output (600ws) through a 70cm white beauty dish (Who the hell would use a 70cm parachute/beauty dish in a high wind? :wacky: )
D3 1/160th sec ISO100 24-70mm at f9


And who was the intrepid TP member who was brave enough to negotiate the cart horse wide lanes to come and say hello?

Meet [user]DiddyDave[/user] :wave:


Thanks for making the effort Dave, good to see you (y)
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I'll post a couple of mine soon Michael - and thanks again for playing out

Not impressed with your D3 though - it's put at least 3 stone on me !!! So much for the camera never lies :LOL:


oops! :bonk: sorry about that. Maybe a D700 next time, eh? :nuts:
I was telling Dave when he came here, I used to work in a studio in Germany that had 1.5m beauty dishes - they would make a good sail, if you had a van big enough to carry them:)
brave enough to negotiate the cart horse wide lanes to come and say hello?
No problem in my 4x4, I just look over the top of the hedges...
Love the Panopticon (y)

Assuming you mean the photos rather than the actual thing itself ???

These were taken in that 1 min where the Sun hit it after I'd stood there 20 mins freezing my nuts off watching the Sun skirt close by it - and in that howling wind why I didn't hear you call me on the phone :LOL:
