weekly PSPDan's 52 - Week 6, Work + Week 7, Gluttony.

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I tried this once before when I first joined the forum, and was a one hit wonder.

I literally have no photography experience, just trying to broaden my horizons a bit etc.

All advice and constructive criticism is really appreciated! Although I'm not completely sure that's the point of these 52s?

Anyway, here goes nothing!

Week 1 - Sin
Week 2 - Season
Week 3 - Gravity
Week 4 - Wild
Week 5 - Space
Week 6 - Work
Week 7 - Gluttony
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Here's my week 1 effort. Sorry for the terribly unimaginative subject matter. Wow chocolate just after Xmas... yeah. Original. Although I kind of liked the idea of getting the sleeping angel/fairy thing in the background as a bit of a juxtaposition.

I was trying to manually focus it, but I've unintentionally focused on the blue sweet in the middle rather than the ones at the front! The photo has also come out quite grainy as I'm sure you can see, any advice on what settings I need to play with to fix that? I have no experience with cameras! I will check out some tutorials at some point.

This is slightly edited, rather pointlessly.

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The exposure on the sweets is great but the background is rather distracting and there is too much basket it sort of detracts from the point if that makes any sense. the grain is probably a high ISO setting can't get the exif info to look though, stick with it this will broaden your horizons (y)
Hi Dan, I agree with Allan that you have good exposure on the sweet you were aiming for, it is a clever idea with the angel and the colours look good.

Watch your backgrounds, the angel hardly shows up as she is dominated by the black and silver thing, there is too much basket for the amount of sweets showing, and the are very central in the image. You could have used a curtain/sheet/paper/towel/less cluttered background or had it further away/more of focus although I think it would dominate regardless. Have a search for the "rule of thirds" this is a good start to learning composition and will help your photography a lot.
I tried this once before when I first joined the forum, and was a one hit wonder.

I literally have no photography experience, just trying to broaden my horizons a bit etc.

All advice and constructive criticism is really appreciated! Although I'm not completely sure that's the point of these 52s?

Anyway, here goes nothing!

Hi Dan...welcome to the 52's madhouse :wave:

You've hit the nail on the head with the biggest point of doing a 52....trying to improve your photography , broadenin your range of things to shoot & having a laugh along the way...enjoy it , it's meant to be fun :D

Why d'you say ...edited, rather pointlessly ? I'm confused...doesn't take much with me :LOL:

Like the idea & love the inclusion of the angel, great use of DOF (y)
Not sure how you could avoid the fire grate & still get the anel in (unless she's portable), where to focus is a learning curve ( one I'm still going up slowly !) ,a slightly higher POV might havelost some of the basket & pulled your eye to the sweets ?

Good thinking , on theme & a good start to your project mister (y)
look forward to seeing your next weeks
Ahh.. that looks delicious!! I think if you could use a higher aperature to have a bit more in focus it'd really pop. It may be worth checking your white balance too. It looks a bit on the yellow side. Nice composition though!

Stick with the 52 and I think you'll get a lot out of it. :)
Hi, that looks veerrryy nice...!!

WB is slightly off, slightly wider DOF and a cleaner BG would have improved. Also to really make it Sin, a coating of ice cream :D

Thats a nice b&w.

Not keen on the pole of the aerial on the left, i keep wanting to look at it. I do like the little burst of the lights.
I like the shot but find the bottom right corner a little distracting.
I really like this. It's the sort of shot I never see (they are there, I just never see them).
Hi, Dan, nice quite B&W, doesn't scream Season, though.

Sme off the top and right for me. The starburst is a cracker, though.

:wave:Hi Dan

Fab starbursts & a scene that I'd ignore if I saw it....I too just don't " see " this type of shot :crying: Love the emptiness of it, mono works well , aerial doesn't bother me as much as the lower rhs dark area

Just imagine how that shot would like in the snow....a belter I reckon(y)
great star bursts on the streetlights.. am usually a fan of negative space but think there's a wee bit too much black at the top.. certainly looks bleak and wintery
Thanks, seems like a bit more cropping would've done wonders.

Just while we're at it, would people say this was a better shot than the one I've used?

Wintery Street 2 by PSPDan, on Flickr

This is a much better image than the original!(y)

The only problem I have is it doesn't really say season!

If it was snow covered then that would be a different thing!:thinking:
B&W and star burst really good. The fact that no-one is about and the ice on the roof tiles gives the cold theme. The first crop (posted 2125) is better but would leave the snow out. In my opinion the last tight crop (1337) is too tight. Good job
Hi, there, quite like this one.

Has a real gritty feel to it.

Just the lower left light bit that draws my eye away for, the chimney.

Better shot in my opinion, really suits the theme.
Much better shot, and having real snowflakes is more pleasing to me. Well done
Dan, it's a nice image and definitely on theme. For me it needs a bit more in the out of focus background to lend some structure to the rather homogeneous image of raindrops (and runs).

I read your first post just now. Do keep it up; I hope you're getting something out of it!